In the early 1850's, when the Miwok Indians lived and hunted in this fertile valley, a man named Chism Cooper Fuggitt founded a settlement which he called Liberty, after his home town in Missouri. It served as a stopping place for freight haulers who had to rest their horses every six or seven miles. The freight haulers, or drayers as they were called, were on their way to the mother lode, taking supplies brought up river by ship from San Francisco to New Hope Landing (about a half mile north of what is now the town of Thornton)
The town of Liberty prospered and boasted a population of 100, with a school, a church, a hotel, a boarding house, and a blacksmith shop. In 1861, it was appointed as a stage coach stop for the line that brought people from Stockton to Sacramento. Liberty was a part of a federal land grant known as the Chabolla Grant. It comprised eight leagues (one league is equal to 4,000 acres) and stretched from the Cosumnes to the north, to the Mokelumne River to the south.
Settlers bought ranches throughout the valley, and large land owners such as Obed Harvey, John McFarland, Andrew Whitaker, and John McCaulley prospered. A portion of John McFarland's property is now the McFarland Living History Ranch.

In 1869, Dr. Obed Harvey was successful in getting the Central Pacific Railroad to lay track near his property. At the time the railroad track was laid, there was no town in the immediate area.
Liberty was the nearest town. Since it was a mile south, and the railroad didn't go through, Dr. Harvey saw a need to build a town along the right-of-way of the railroad track. Dr. Harvey built his town according to the laws of 1869, which stated that anyone could create a town by having the area surveyed and selling lots. The Central Pacific surveyors surveyed and laid out the town for Dr. Harvey.
The town needed a name, so John McFarland was given the privilege of naming the town after a town in Canada, Galt, Ontario. Mr. McFarland, a successful rancher, was also a builder who built some of the first brick buildings in Galt. One such building is located on the corner of 4th and B streets and is still in use today.

Galt was originally 120 acres square and was to have a church on every corner. The streets were planned as a grid running north and south, east and west.
On June 30th 1869, Galt was assigned its first post office, housed in the brick building on the corner of 4th and B Street.
Front Street (now 4th Street) was the center of business as farmers brought their cattle and hogs to the stockyards located south of the station, to be shipped to the east. Sacks of wheat and barley could be seen piled high waiting to be picked up for shipment to the mills.
History records show that in one quarter in 1879, 47,377 sacks of wheat were shipped from Galt by rail.​

People now moved into Galt to work and live, and the little town of Liberty was moved, building by building, until all that remained was its cemetery. For years, Galt was the agricultural center of the Sacramento Valley. Then came the Lincoln Highway, which went right through the east side of town. When the Dry Creek Bridge was built, it was the longest steel bridge in California. And as people began traveling by car to and from town, the businesses moved from 4th Street to the area along the new Lincoln Highway - the street now known as Lincoln Way.
Although Galt has grown to a population of 23,000 today, it is still an agriculturally oriented community. The Sacramento County Fair, which used to be held in Galt where Fairsite School, Chabolla Center, the city swimming pool, the Concilio Building, and the flea market area are currently located, was moved to Sacramento. It still attracts students who are in 4H or FFA (Future Farmers of America) and compete for awards for their prize ranch animals.
Many large ranches and dairies still dot the countryside, and although Galt does not have the bustle and glitter of a large city, it does have breathtaking sunsets, the song of a variety of birds, and the peace of quiet countryside.
Galt is growing, but its residents can still find some of the beauty of the valley that the Miwoks and their forefathers knew, unspoiled by smog and city traffic.
When Doctor Obed Harvey and the Central Pacific Railroad laid out the grid that would define the boundaries of the new little valley town, they agreed to set aside land on all four corners of the grid to be donated to four churches. As the town grew, the four church structures were designated. Later they were listed in the Galt Master Plan “Historic Element” as landmark structures. They are St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, St. Christopher’s Catholic Church, the United Methodist Church of Galt, and the Galt Christian Church, which now is the home of the Galt Harvest Church. Each of these churches lists pioneer names in its early roster.
Two of these historic Galt churches, St. Luke’s and St. Christopher’s remain almost as they were built, and the Galt Area Historical Society has plaques to identify them as historic landmark buildings in our community, to be preserved as part of our heritage.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

The third church in Galt was the First Congregational Church on the corner of 3rd and B streets. It was the result of the efforts of John McFarland and Doctor Obed Harvey. Under the leadership of the two men, the congregation made donations and raised the funds for their church.
The cornerstone was laid in May, 1884. The bell, pews, millwork and stained glass windows were shipped from San Francisco. The body of the church was 48 feet long, 32 feet wide and 30 feet high. The tall slender steeple is 84 feet high. One window was donated in memory of Maude Harvey, infant daughter of Obed and Susan Harvey.
In 1901, a small group asked to use the church for Episcopal services twice a month, and until 1914, both Congregational and Episcopal services were held there.
In 1914, the Mission Guild was formed. Members of this organization helped raise money for the church through their annual bazaar, which is still held today.
Sometime in the early 1920’s the church changed it’s name from First Congregational to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. In 1923, it established the Guild Hall, a church social hall, in a building on property donated by Mr. and Mrs. Hull McClaughry. This property was sold to the Galt Fire District where a firehouse was constructed. A new parish hall was erected in back of the church, with a prayer garden being planned between the buildings.
Among the pioneer names listed in the church roster are McFarland, Harvey, Orr, and Sawyer. St. Luke’s Church celebrated its centennial in 1984. This historic structure had been preserved as it was built. Its tall steeple is easily visible from 4th Street.

The Church in 2003
St. Christopher’s Catholic Church

On October 12, 1885, the little brick Catholic Church of St. Christopher’s was built and dedicated in Galt at the corner of 3rd and F Streets. St. Christopher's Catholic Church in Galt, California made the four promised churches, each on a corner of the original town grid.
As it happened, the day of the dedication of St. Christopher’s Church was also the 393rd anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, so the members of the congregation chose the patron saint of travelers, Saint Christopher, as the name of the church.
The Galt Weekly Gazette of October 10, 1895, reported that the Italian man-of-war, Christopher Columbus, was lying at anchor in San Francisco Bay, ready to fire an honorary salute at the precise hour of the dedication of the Galt Church. Present for the dedication ceremony was Governor George Stoneman and Patrick Riordan, Archbishop of San Francisco Diocese.
At first the church had no pastor and the pastoral duties were performed by the priest from Jackson. In 1919, St. Christopher’s became an independent parish with Father James Grealy as pastor and remained until 1927. The first baptism recorded in St. Christopher’s Parish Register, is that of Angelina Batchelder, and the first marriage was that of Mary McEnerney and August James Beakey. Other pioneer families known to be a part to the Galt church history are Kenefick, Rae, Valensin, Lippi, Denevi, McCauley, McEnerney and Marengo.
On October 12, 1985, St. Christopher’s celebrated its 100th birthday. Its Etruscan spire was refurbished and some cement decorations removed for safety. A new handicap ramp and brick stairway replaced the old cement stairs, but the body of the church and its stained glass window over the altar were still original.
In 2001, a new church was built and dedicated to meet the needs of a growing congregation. The new church was built on south Lincoln Way, near Kost Road, not far from Dry Creek Bridge. It is Spanish mission style and has the large stained glass window which was taken down from the west wall of the old church and moved to the new one.
The old St. Christopher’s Church is still in use as a Catholic Community Center.
Galt Methodist Church

This is the second Galt Methodist Church building used from 1900 to 1969.

This is a photo of a painting hanging in the church today.

The Galt Methodist Church in 2004
In 1880, when the Hicksville congregation moved to Galt, the United Methodist Church of Galt was founded. Known then as the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, the location of the church was given as the Harvey Grove School House, located close to 7th and F Streets. It was the second church to be placed in the town of Galt as was agreed upon by the Railroad and Doctor Harvey.
At that time, the church was served by a Methodist Circuit Rider who came through Galt on his route to bring the Word of God and to “marry and bury”. On the weeks he was not present, the people held their own services and Sunday School.
In 1905, the Isler Blacksmith Shop on the corner of 6th and C Streets burned to the ground, and so did the Methodist Church. It is said that the flames were so hot that the windows in the Isler home across the street were cracked. In October, 1885, the trustees of the Methodist Church purchased the now-vacant lot at the corner of 6th and C Streets to build a new church. By 1900, a new church was completed, built in the traditional rural style with peaked windows and a tall spire and belfry. That church survived until 1969, when it was torn down to make way for building the present structure. In 1971, on Easter Sunday, the first services were held in the present two-story church. A memorial sanctuary was built and dedicated in 1979.
Among the pioneer names in the church records of the Galt Community Methodist Church are Orr, Mullins, Hauschildt, Willyars, Angrave, Chase, and Wright.
Galt Christian Church

In 1857, the Christian Church, was built in the little town of Liberty. It is said to be the first church in the area and the oldest church structure in the City of Galt.
When the town of Galt was created, the little town of Liberty just south of Galt, began moving its buildings into the new town. Hotels, saloons, the school, and in 1878, the Christian Church which was placed just at the corner of the original grid, now 7th and B Streets. It had a square Gothic bell tower. Its battlements were an unusual example of the 1860 architecture, usually Greek Revival. Its entry faced the wide stairway and landing to the south. Its windows were arched and clear.
As the church grew, its windows leaked, and woodpeckers found the bell tower to be a good place to nest. In 1925, a basement was added as a meeting hall for the congregation. The late William Hobday told how difficult it was to remove the dirt without damaging the church building when they were constructing the basement.
In 1955, the church celebrated its centennial by doing some renovation. The bell tower spire was removed and the front stairs were reconstructed and faced east with a new covered landing at the entry. The original church was constructed of lumber that came round the Horn. That lumber is still in use as the main body of the church as it was when it was moved from Liberty.
Among the list of pioneer church goers we can find the names of Chism Cooper Fugitt, founder of the town of Liberty, as well as Fuga, Briggs, Hunt, Smithson, and Allport.

This photo would seem to suggest that the spire was removed well before 1955.

The "first church" today. The ground floor is currently Rosa De Saron, a Spanish language church for the Mexican population. The basement is rented to a charter school for high school credit.
We hope that you have enjoyed reading these thumbnail sketches of the four churches, which were a part of the original plans for the City of Galt. St. Luke’s and St. Christopher’s are still as they were originally. They are recognized by the City of Galt, in the Master Plan, as landmarks of significant historic importance. The maintenance and the preservation of these churches is extremely important to Galt’s history.
Elementary Schools

This is the Galt Grammar School. It was built for $3,000 and that money was donated by Charles Crocker and Dr. Obed Harvey.
For many years, Galt had only one elementary school, "Galt Grammar School". That school was first a two-story structure on "B" street. They then then moved to a new structure on "E" street, where building and playground filled an entire square block between 5th and 6th, and "E" and "F" streets. Until 1948, this was the Galt Joint Union Elementary School District. Then a new elementary school site was created to house grades three through eight. Kindergarten through second grade remained at the "E" street site and was known as Galt Primary School.
The new Galt Elementary School was located on "C" street, where there is now a large shopping mall, known as the Galt Plaza. It didn't take long before the old Galt Primary School was outgrown. The Fairsite School was built to accommodate the growing student population. In 1965, the population growth in Galt continued and Valley Oaks School was built. Valley Oaks named their library after our dedicated member Ida Denier.
The Galt Elementary School became too small to contain the growing number of students that were moving to the Galt area. A middle school was now needed for the older elementary schools students. Galt Elementary School was torn down and became our shopping mall. River Oaks Elementary School and Vernon E. Greer Middle School were built.
The Vernon E. Greer Middle School was named after one of Galt's most well-known residents, Dr. Vernon E. Greer, Jr. To those who lived in Galt in 1939, he was the new physician in town who established a family practice here. This was during the time when doctors made house calls and so it was not unusual to see Dr. Greer out and about in the wee, small hours of the morning administering to those who were too ill to come to his office on "C" Street near 4th Street.
Dr. Greer was the town doctor for 27 years. During that time, he built the medical building at the north-east corner of 5th and "B" Streets. He served as Chief of Staff at Lodi Memorial Hospital and as Vice-President of the Galt Branch of the American Red Cross. He was a member of the Sacramento County Medical Society, the American Academy of General Practitioners, the American Medical Association, and a staff member of Mercy and Sutter Memorial Hospitals in Sacramento, and Mason and Buchanan Hospitals in Lodi.
It was Dr. Greer's work with the schools that won for him the award of "Citizen of the Year" in 1961. Dr. Greer was a member of the Galt Joint Union Elementary School Board for 17 years and spent 12 years as its president. He helped found the first kindergarten in Galt and was responsible for getting the Sacramento County Health Department to start the first school immunization program for Galt school children.
Dr. Vernon Greer devoted the major portion of his adult life to the health and education of the children of Galt. It is fitting that his name continues to be linked with education in this community.
Today, Galt Joint Union Elementary School District has added one more elementary school, Marengo Ranch Elementary School. This school was named after pioneer rancher, Augustino Marengo. Mr. Marengo was a native of Salterana, a province of Genoa, Italy. He came to Galt in 1869, just as the town was born. He purchased 160 acres of land for farming north of the new town and in 1878, he purchased an additional 624 acres. He improved the land and built a house for his wife Teresa and their four children whom he had left behind in Italy for ten years until he could prepare the ranch for them. Of the four children, only Giuditta and Allesandro survived to see their own children grown. Allesandro married Matilda Denevi in 1898. They had three sons, August, Joseph, Antonio, and two daughters, Teresa and Mary. All five children attended Galt schools. Allesandro worked with this father and eventually inherited 160 acres of land. He bought the home ranch of 156 acres from his mother and added those to his 160 on which he continued to farm and raise livestock as his pioneer father had done before him.
When pioneer Augustino Marengo died, the Galt Gazette printed the following:
"Augustino Marengo, a pioneer and highly respected citizen of this vicinity, was the most distinguished of his Italian countrymen to settle in the Galt district. The deceased was probably one of the best known men in this part of Sacramento County, and always led an honorable life and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. His word was as good as his bond and no more honorable man ever lived in the community."
Students at Marengo Ranch School can be proud that their school is named after the pioneer rancher from Italy whose ranch once included the land on which the school is now built.
Another elementary school has since been added, Lake Canyon, on the northeast side of the City and a second middle school, Robert McCaffery Middle School has been added in that area. The new middle school is named after the Superintendent who came to Galt as an elementary school teacher, and stayed on to become its Superintendent for 31 years.
The Galt Elementary School District will soon build another school, Quail Hollow Elementary School, on the west side of the city. The growth of the Galt Joint Union Elementary School District is an indication of the growth of the railroad town of Galt in 1869, to the incorporated City of Galt today.
Galt High School

This is Galt's first official high school, built in 1913
Did you know that the Galt High School where our young people go today is the fourth Galt High School in our community? Well here is a brief "Galt High School History" for your information: Dr. Montague and J. W. Reese combined efforts to form a high school district, and on October 20, 1911, voters in ten small elementary districts went to the polls for the crucial vote. The work of the two organizers was successful. The measure to establish the Galt High School District carried overwhelmingly with 141 yes votes as opposed to 40 no Votes. Thus was Galt High School born.
At the corner of Oak Avenue and A Street stood a two-story house that was to be the first high school building. C. McKenzie was the owner. A faculty of three met the first students. Mr. Reese was the principal and also taught classes. Mr. William Bland, who was to become the Principal later, taught mathematics, bookkeeping, and music. Miss McFarland taught English, Latin, and composition. This first school offered two courses of study. It was a two-year course in business, and the other, a four-year academic course. All students were enrolled in music. Students who did not have musical instruments took vocal lessons. There was a student government, and either Paul Larrick or John Campbell was student body president.
There were few social events those first few years because of the lack of transportation. Most of the rural students rode horses to school, although a few students did have cars. Most of the roads were not paved. There was a play presented in the Odd Fellows Hall and a parade which took place just before graduation. In the first two years of its history, Galt High had only one graduate. Katherine Reynolds graduated in 1913.
Galt High School moved to the present site with a new building in 1913. The new quarters were built with the issuance of bonds of 30,000 dollars. This represented about a third of the cost. The second Galt High School was an imposing two-story brick structure. Greek Columns supported the entrance, and an expanse of lawn and a driveway lined with palms offered a pleasing entry to visitors and students alike. Twenty-two students were present on the first day of school. The faculty had grown by one. Miranda Arms had joined Mr. Reese, Mr. Bland, and Miss McFarland. In June of 1924, a mysterious fire destroyed the building. Charred ruins were all that remained.
The District recovered from the shattering blow of the fire that destroyed the existing building in 1924. School opened in September of that year in temporary buildings that were to be home to students for the next three years. The students referred to these temporary quarters as the "Chicken Coops".
Planning started on a new building. Dean & Dean of Sacramento were the architects. Out of their plans came a two-story mission-style schoolhouse. The corner stone laying ceremony took place on March 12, 1927. A parade from 4th and B Streets led the way to the site. Galt Masonic Lodge No.257 conducted the rites with George Jones, Grand Master of California, and Fletcher Cutler, Grand Orator in charge. Scout master J.L. Orvis and Boy Scouts of Troop 1 supervised the parade.
The third Galt High School was completed in 1927 and was dedicated February 8, 1928. The building, designed for 300 students, was constructed so additions could be made. The main building was not enlarged, but outlying buildings took care of the growing student body. The auditorium seated 600 and was well equipped at the time it was built. The cafeteria seated 150.
In 1928, the Principal Mr. Rutherford, instituted a Junior College of Aeronautical Engineering. The campus had a pilot school. There were hangers for the airplanes that were on loan from March Field, a pilot's license could be obtained by those who were enlisted in the program. Fifty-three men graduated from the program. The concept was unusual, and Galt High School was acclaimed for its unusual curriculum. Lack of finances caused the program to be closed in 1930.
Every student walked the halls and climbed the stairs in the building. They may not have been in every classroom but these two things were common to all. In addition, almost everyone "found" the library, at least some of the time. The cafeteria was familiar to all. Each year another framed picture of the last year's class hung along the corridor. Trophies were added in the trophy case, and a second trophy case became evident in the hall. When classes broke, a pushing, jostling throng jammed the corridors and stairs, going somewhere, or anywhere, in a hurry. In all the rush, surprisingly, very few fell down the stairs. Near misses, yes, but few injuries. This building became known as the "Grand Old Lady".
Outwardly the brick building appeared the same as it was in 1927, mellowed by time and the trees and shrubs surrounding it. The inside, though, has gone through countless changes. The first floor was remodeled to fit the needs of the school until one was hard put to remember how it was in the beginning. When the building first opened, there was a drama room which had a small stage facing into the classroom. The library was next to it and also served as a study hall. The other rooms along the hall were given over to classes in business subjects. Upstairs was the chemistry lab, occupying room 26. At the back of the auditorium, where drama and drafting classes eventually moved, was the homemaking department. As the student body grew the cafeteria became the library. The "Office" grew to several, and those in turn were done and re-done. The 'Teachers' Room" migrated quite a bit, from 1 to 7 to 15 to 3.

The Galt school bus from the 20s
The "Grand Old Lady" served the Galt area from feeder elementary schools of Arno, Colony, Herald, Oakview, New Hope, and Galt, until 1978. As the number of students increased, she began to age. Support timbers began to crack and twist under stress of the heavy roof timbers and tile. The grout between the brick became powdery. The building that was built in 1927, prior to earthquake-safety laws, was declared unsafe by the State, and ordered demolished. The "Grand Old Lady" bowed out to make room for a new and safer fourth Galt High School that could adequately serve the growing student population.

Orville Fletcher, Principal, 1956
Twenty years ago, an all-time reunion was held to give alumni the chance to walk through their cherished high school one last time. Alumnus came from everywhere and reminisced with fellow students. For those Galt High grads, there can be no other than the "Grand Old Lady".
But a new generation has grown up with the new Galt High School, the fourth one. They have established their own traditions and memories. This is their Alma Mater. They, too have a loyalty to the "Home of the Warriors", Galt High School.

Galt High School Warriors team of 1964
Top row; L to R; Eugene Nunez, Larry Frietas, Glen Ruth, Fred Brookshire, Tim Kelly, Greg Mori (74), Dennis Redford, John Moyer, Mike Wilburn and unknown.
Second row down, L to R; Jerry Stribling, Al Sartini, unknown, Larry Mondragon, Gary Rausser, Bill Stanley, Gary Barr, Allen Krantz, Neil Adams, Larry Twardy (77) and coach Bob Loose on the far right.
Third row down, L to R; Dennis McCallister (manager), unknown, Tim Reich, Ron Olsen (twin to Bob), Danny Ward, David Graham, Richard Strange, Micky Knecht, Tony Sousa, Bob Olson (twin to Ron) and Phil Cole.
Front row, L to R; Bill Azevedo (11), Chris Clem (23), unknown (22), Cliff Fraser (41), Mike Hodges (44), Pete Bulahan (42), Sam Wilkerson (43), Richard Galiste (24), Dennis Quashnick (21), Leroy Farmer (40) and unknown (20).

Sophomore warriors, year unknown
Once again, the Galt High School District faces growing pains. Can it solve its problem by simply adding more "portables"? Or has the time come for our area to accept the idea that a second high school is necessary? How does a community that has known loyalty to one high school for so many years accept the concept of two high schools that demand loyalty and support from us all? It will be difficult to imagine that there can be two high schools in the Galt area, but that is what we will soon become accustomed to as Galt continues to grow, and the young people of our area continue to fill our classrooms.
The Galt Technical Junior College for Aeronautics
John Casey, a teacher at Galt High School, wrote a history of the school in which he researched and reported the story of the Galt Technical Junior College of Aeronautics. What follows is an account of this very important part of Galt history.

Galt High School, the Progressive Years
Those of you who would walk five hundred or a thousand miles in order to attend school, please raise your hands. A no-count. Back in that swing around the sun we called 1928, Harry Allen walked three thousand miles in order to attend school in Galt. His trek began from St. Paul, Minnesota with a sad lack of money, so he worked for his meals and lodging on the way west. On Sundays, he did not journey onward, which is why it took him about a month and a half to reach his destination - - Galt, California. As a matter of fact, Galt, California became a magnet for a number of young men from all over our nation. In all, 600 young men in over 11 of our then 48 states sought admission to Galt, but only 75 were tentatively accepted.
The lure which drew this wave of high-minded young men was that although Galt High School was a newly erected and solidly built edifice, it was trying to get off the ground, at least some of its student body were. In November of 1927, a course in Aeronautical Sciences was introduced at Galt, and quickly extended its learning to an extra-curricular service to the community by giving weather readings which were published in the Galt Herald.
Then, in December, 1927, residents beheld some sky birds which seemed to bother ground-bound birds such as the chickens. Three planes began to fly around the Galt High School flying field—a 78 acre plot, with well-graded 4-way landing strips, a quantity of engines and parts, valued at $175,000 to Galt High School. So it was in 1928, Galt High School was the only high school in the entire United States giving aeronautics courses. These courses included: science of aeronautics, weather observation and forecasting, navigation, engine design and construction. Thirty-two students were enrolled in these aviation classes, with two faculty members in these areas. The students flew daily, but not alone.
Mr. William Rutherford, principal of the high school, learned to fly in February, 1928, and thereby earned the appellation of the “Flying Schoolmaster”. Mr. Rutherford also taught aerodynamics and navigation. Lieutenant Le Roy Gregg, was chief pilot at Galt; the engineering instructor was Gordon Dobson.
Galt High School became a four-year junior college with a course in Aeronautics, beginning in the junior year of high school and ended at the sophomore year of college. All courses and work, plus the 50 hours of flying time, were given grades. In June, U.C.L.A. followed Galt’s example and made plans for a course in aviation.
The planes used at Galt included a large Navy M-O monoplane, a standard Jennie, and several motors. The Eaglerock was owned by the students and was used for instruction.
Interview with Eddie Ambrogio

Amira Hankin models her prize jacket from the Aeronautical School in Galt.
Billelo Article 14 – May 25, 1989 “Those Daring Galt Men in Their Flying Machines (This article was a part of an oral history interview with Eddie Ambrogio, a lifelong citizen of Galt. Eddie was a successful home appliance salesman and was the town raconteur who kept our history alive. Eddie his since passed away, taking with him a myriad of stories of old Galt, and his warm and cherry smile.)
What do scared chickens, a kidnapping, a ghostly tire, a basketball game, planes, and Galt have in common? You’re about to take a wild ride back to 1928!
Did you know… …that in 1928 the Galt Technical Junior College for Aeronautics once stood next to what is now Galt High School? Did you know that the U.S. Air Corps once flew planes here to play basketball with Galt’s aeronautics students?
Planes in Galt? Air fields off the old Lincoln Highway and Boessow Road? You bet!
They came from far and wide – Colorado, Ohio, Kansas, Washington, Massachusetts, Montana, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona, Nebraska, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Illinois. Some hitchhiked. Some came from Los Angeles, Carlsbad, San Francisco, Stockton, Oakdale, Sacramento, Sutter Creek, and Florin. They lived here with families in Galt. They lived in the old Bradford Hotel on the corner of 4th and C Street.
Who were they?
They were the 50 students who dreamed of becoming pilots. Seven of them came from Galt. They took engineering courses – algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, chemistry, physics, aviation mechanics, and flight training. They were the 50 who were given the opportunity to automatically become second lieutenants in the U.S. Air Corps at March Field Air Force Base in California after their ROTC training at the junior college. Some even became lieutenants and corporals by the end of that 1928-1929 year.
These dreamers would become successful. They would attribute that success to the Galt Technical Junior College of Aeronautics. Come, let’s take a closer look at the lives of our young, energetic cadets, their teachers, their principal, and, of course, the fun they had.
Bill Rutherford was their principal. Rutherford was born on Nov. 18, 1892, in Mountoursville, Penn., but he spent much of his life in the Sacramento area where his father was a minister. Rutherford, a PhD graduate of Stanford University, was also an Air Force colonel who served as commander of McClellan Field at Sacramento during World War II. Rutherford even knew President Wilson. But, there was more to Rutherford than his political ties and illustrious military career. It seems he was a bit of a prankster, and his students at the college in 1928, seemed to have taken full advantage.
The way Eddie Ambrogio tells it, it appears that Rutherford had a Highway Patrolman’s uniform and a siren (gotten from who knows where). He liked to post himself on the Old Lincoln Highway heading out of town and stop motorists from speeding!
Then there was the story about the Lincoln Highway “tire” ghost who terrorized those who dared leave Galt late at night. When unassuming motorists tried to remove the tire from out of their path, the impassable rubber roadblock assumed a life of its own. Ghosts in Galt, you say? Nah! What these passers-by didn’t know was that attached to the lonely tire was a string that led to a nearby tree. Behind the tree were the night terrors – Rutherford and a group of cadets.
Then there was the wild gunman of the cherry orchard! It all began one night when Ambrogio coaxed a group of cadets from the Bradford Hotel into stealing cherries from the Marengo’s cherry orchard. With the exception of one cadet, they snuck stealthily into the trees and gorged themselves on red, ripened fruit until their pillaging came to an abrupt halt with the sound of nearby shotgun fire. In mortal fear, the thieves scattered and ran back to the safety of their lair. But, what is this? One thief – paralyzed by fear – remained in a tree. To this day – 61 years later – no one (except me) knows the identity of the wild gunman. Have you figured it out?
Oh yes. There are more mysteries there were two airfields. One ran directly north and south, and one ran east and west of the school. This story is about the airfield that ran east and west and the chicken coop that sat adjacent to it. The coop is pictured in the background of the accompanying photo.
Future pilots need to be trained, and they need to be trained in planes. Each cadet received an hour of training with stunt pilot, Leo Moore. Planes do make noise, and the chickens of 1928 Galt became pretty upset with the constant buzzing of engines. It also seems that “Chicken” Thomas, the owner of the coop, also made quite a racket about the noise. Chicken threatened to close the airfield. He harassed Rutherford, the cadets, and teachers. Since Chicken Thomas new that citizens of our great land are guaranteed freedom of speech, he took his gripe to the citizenry of Galt.
The skies around the airfield were beginning to look bleak, and it wasn’t even the rainy season. What would happen to the college?
Then one day, Chicken disappeared! Kidnapped! Chicken Thomas had been kidnapped!
Then as mysteriously as he had disappeared, he reappeared -- three days later – enlightened. Although he was never heard to praise the aeronautics program, he was never heard to complain about it either even – though his chickens still squawked their opinions. So who kidnapped Chicken Thomas…?
Was it Rutherford, the prankster and the cadets who lived with him? Was it Leo Moore, daring stunt pilot? Was it the thieves of the Bradford Hotel? I can tell you this much, it wasn’t the wild gunman of the cherry orchard. This looks like one for “Unsolved Mysteries.”
Then there was the famous basketball game. In December of 1928, Ambrogio was captain of the basketball team and, naturally, treasurer of the student body. He and Rutherford invited the U.S. Air Corp to play a basketball game, and they came. The team and many of the corpsmen came. They came in a tri-motor Faulkner, several D-H’s, and a Douglas O’Toole trainer plane. Eddie (Ambrogio), businessman that he is, had enough money in the treasury for the air corps to stay at the Hotel Sacramento. In those days, rooms were a dollar a night. Who won the game? Eddie can’t remember, but it sure sounds like they had a super time.
What about some of the teachers at the school? Mrs. Crystal Lorene Sobey, physics teacher, married Russell Sobey. Russell and his brother Darrel used to have a garage where the Bank of Alex Brown (Stockman’s Bank) is now. An old metal building and two gas pumps sat on the lot. Crystal built a house in Galt where she and Russell lived when they were married.
There was Mrs. Fromm, the chemistry teacher, and Lt. L.B. Gregg who taught aviation. There was also the most colorful stunt flyer and aviation mechanics teacher, Leo Moore. Moore owned Travel Aire. He flew for the Sacramento Fair in 1928 and 1929 with Eddie Ambrogio as his passenger. You’ll never guess what that crazy Moore did! He flew under the wires on Simmerhorn Road and under the Sacramento Bridge! In Eddie’s words,”Fantastic!” If you ever bump into Eddie, ask him about Leo. You’ll get an earful.
But most important, what happened to the young men who attended the Galt Technical Junior College of Aeronautics?
Richard Fawcett of Galt became a big shot and a top man for Pan American Airways. His father was a contractor here in Galt. The Fawcett family lived here in Galt across from the Grange Hall in a large two-story house that is more than 100 years old. You can still see it on the northwest corner between Fifth and D Streets. Archibald (Archie) Cellini played basketball with Eddie at Galt High School in 1927, the year they won the California State Championship. Archie’s family once had a dairy on the Orr Ranch. After Galt Junior College, he became the head winemaster for Sebastiani Winery in Woodbridge. Later on, he bought into the Barengo Winery in Acampo and he even built a winery in Woodbridge. Eddie was best man at his wedding.
Earl (Park) Parker became a big contractor in Sacramento and Sylvester (Bud) Wise lived on a ranch off Simmerhorn Road. Bud’s sister married John Kennefick. Eddie tells me that our very own Louise Dowdell lived on the Wise Ranch when she was about 16. Raymond Tracy, although a native of Chicago, became a Galtonian by marriage. He married Isabel Kennefick, John Kennefick’s sister. Charles (Charley) Smith and Kenneth (Moke) Engle and Glenn Mercer, all from Galt, also attended the college. Of the 50 students who attended, only two remain. One is our very own Eddie Ambrogio. If it were not for Eddie, this story may have been lost forever.
What about some of the others who were not from Galt, but whose lives were affected by their attendance at the school? Well there was James (Bromo) Selser from New Orleans who became a top-ranking officer in the military. There was Doc Norris of Tucson, Ariz, who continued the pursuit of flying. It seems that when Doc conducted an air and ground search for a lost pilot friend, he crashed into a mountain peak and was killed. There was E. (Swede) Holterman from San Francisco who flew mail from Seattle to Chicago until, like Doc’s friend, he too was listed as lost. To this day, his body has never been found.
There was A. Clayton Tschantz who hitchhiked from Kidron, Ohio to Galt after he read about the joint project with the Army Air Corps in “Aero Digest” in 1928. He lived with Eddie Ambrogio and his mother. In 1930, he became a charter member of the OSU Loons Glider Club while enrolled in the Engineering College of Ohio State University. He helped organize the Ashland Flying Club which bought a plane for use by its members. He landed planes in 49 of the 50 states and in 30 foreign countries. Tschantz trained pilots in Wooster, Lima, and Mansfield, Ohio. In 1946, he became manager of Richland Aviation, Inc. Over the years, he flew his family on vacations to Canada, the Caribbean Islands, and various spots in the U.S. He took a trip around the world in 1968. He had seven single-engine power-failure emergency landings and lived to tell about it. Tschantz flew for more than 18,600 hours including more than 11,000 of instructing. In an article that appeared in the June 18, 1978 News Journal of Mansfield Ohio, Tschantz attributed his 50 years of success to the junior college.
So what happened to the school? It appears that the school operated as a joint project with the Army Air Corps. Tuition was free back then in 1928. So why was the school in operation for but a year? In 1929, there was a bond bill put before the residents of Galt to assure the continuation of the program. Unfortunately, the bill was defeated. Perhaps the Depression and the Stock Market crash had something to do with its defeat. One fact remains, it did exist and it was located right here in Galt. The stories are all true and they are as real as those who lived it.
Only two cadets remain today who were a part of that chapter of our history. So important was that school that the Old Sacramento School House in Old Sacramento is going to feature the program as part of Sacramento’s Sesquicentennial celebration this July. Our very own Eddie Ambrogio will be part of the parade on July 1-2.
Me? I’m trying to put all of the pieces together for the program that will find its way to the archives of the State Library. So take a break from your usual summer activities and come to the Old Sacramento School House, see the display, and pick up a pamphlet about the Galt Technical Junior College of Aeronautics.
Brown School

In the early days of this area’s history, small schools dotted the countryside as pioneer farmers and ranchers came into the area and settled. A place to educate their children was important to them, and they worked together to build a school and staff it with a teacher. The Brown School was one such school, and Louise Dowdell, a 1932 graduate from Brown School, recalls its history.
The original Brown was located on Clay Station Road, ½ mile south of Borden Road, on west side of the road (8 miles east of Galt, CA). It either burned or was closed for unknown reasons and a new school was built on Simmerhorn Rd. (Schermerhorn originally) in about 1918, two miles west of Clay Station Road. It was at the intersection of Alabama and Simmerhorn on the south side.
Brown School was a one-room building facing north. A large porch across the front with wide railings was a favorite place to sit. The grounds were fenced and a wooden stile was centered in the fence across a wide yard in front of the school entrance. A two-story tank house and windmill supplied water. Inside the immediate entrance to the school were two ante rooms - - boys on the left, girls on the right, where we hung our coats and left our lunch pails. Heavy double doors guarded the outer entrance, and inside lighter weight double doors opened into the classroom. In the west corner sat a pot-bellied stove encircled with a high asbestos lined metal blanket with only space enough to open the door forward. Needless to say, no heat escaped into the room. If a child was very cold or had water soaked shoes he or she would be permitted to sit in a chair directly in front of the stove door for awhile. A blackboard was on the wall behind the stove and sometimes chilled students were allowed to use that area. It was the only warm spot in the entire room. On the left side (east) stood the teacher’s desk. Directly behind that was the “library”. It consisted of a built-in cupboard with glass doors on the upper part and wooden doors on the lower section. Books were kept in the upper section and supplies of scratch paper, fools cap, pens, pencils, ink, paste, crayons, chalk, rulers and drawing paper were in the lower section.
To the left of teachers’ desk a piano stood against the wall. On the north wall was a pendulum clock, a flag centered over the double doors, a picture of George Washington on one side of the flag and Abraham Lincoln on the other. There was also a hand crank Victrola between the doors and the Library. It was used to play stirring marches on rain-filled days, and we marched up and down the aisles. It was fun and good exercise. We also did calisthenics.
The floor was oiled once a year and two older students were hired to do the janitor work. Sweeping, (daily), putting up the flag in the morning and taking it down in the evening, ringing the bell to call the students in when it was time for classes to begin. The wood box was filled as needed. On Friday, erasers were gathered up and taken outdoors where they were vigorously beaten together and pounded to remove the chalk dust. Blackboards were washed also. Windows were locked and door padlocked before janitors left. Pay was $4.00 per month for each student worker.
About 50 feet behind the building stood the two “necessities”. Girls on the east, boys on the west. They were about 30 feet apart.
In the east back corner of the yard was a shed with stalls for horses and space for carts or buggies. Louise (Loll) Dowdell rode a pony to school, Minnie, a dappled Chestnut with white mane and tail. One day Louise “encouraged” Minnie to climb the steps and ride around on the porch. Miss Mullins had to cover a smile while telling her she shouldn’t do that again.
Classes were from 9-4 daily. Recess 10:40-11am, lunch 12-1pm and recess 2:40-3pm. Various games were played - Dodge Ball, Drop the Handkerchief, Stealing Sticks, Dare Base, Baseball, Basketball, One-o-cat, Hop Scotch, and the girls’ favorite, Jump Rope. Sometimes a difficult version of hopscotch was played beginning with a center square and continuing outward in an ever widening circle. If the circle became quite large it became a very challenging and difficult game.
Irma Wiles, County health nurse, visited once a year. Mr. Golway was the county superintendent and came once a year. He was a large man with a big stomach. He had a mustache, wore a brown tweed suit, and would sit in teacher’s chair while she stood nearby.
Mr. Goldsmith, the Physical Education teacher, was a small wiry man. He came once a year and he would bring a tiny tube of Colgate toothpaste for each student.
Miss Phillips, the music teacher, came once a year with her little pitch pipe. She had pretty gray hair and a lovely smile. She would choose a song, most likely America, blow a little note and we would sing, and then she went on her way.
Special events were Christmas with a tree and real candles, Valentines Day with a crepe paper decorated box which sat on one corner of teacher’s desk, (we made lots of our valentines) and the biggie - Last Day of School. Students performed at Christmas and on last day of school -- songs, recitations, piano solos and a play. Electricity didn’t arrive until the late 20’s. Kerosene lanterns that hung on the walls, served in those earlier years. Some years we had a last day picnic, instead of the performances, on the banks of the lagoon on the Barney McEnerney ranch. There were swimming holes located up and down the lagoon. This one was about a mile east of Alta Mesa Road and a mile north of Highway 104. It was then called Twin Cities Road.
Some of the early teachers were Mrs.Hazel Pampel, Mrs. Phoebe Hobday, Mrs. McQuirk, and Mrs. Waldruff, Mrs. Effie Allen taught 1924-25, Miss Elizabeth Gann 1925-26, Mrs. Luella Goff 1926-28, Miss Annabel Mullins 1928-32. Miss Mullins later married Clarence Hauschildt and taught in the Galt school.
Some of the students of those by-gone years were the children of William and Genevieve McEnerney, Curtis, Elizabeth, Thomas, Dorothy and Marjorie.
Children of Charles and Bertha Burnett, Helen, Paul, Mildred, Russel, Myrtle and Ira.
Children of Henry and Alwine Kohnke, Anita, Alvina, Otto and twins John and Amanda.
Children of Athos and Stella Loll, Carl and Louise.
Other children: Harry Parker; Margaret and Sylvester Wise; Stanley Johnson; Evelyn, Agnes, and Dorothy Stofka; Robert Lee Cooper; Frank Christie, Vernon and Dudley Gardenhire; Lydia, Esther, Edna, Emil, Arthur, Leah and Tabeha Kranzler; Robert and Leonard Davies; Edna Nitschke; Jack, Joe, Tom and Dolly Klaner; Vivian, John and Philip Georgi; Leah, Jake, Dorothy and Emil Geigle; Pauline and Roy Baumbach; Walter and Marvin Mettler; John, Lucretia, Cesaer Carter; Jessie and Berniece Beam; Albert and Clifford Parker (no relation to Harry Parker); Ellis and Orton Marsh; Yvonne and Randy DeWant; Goldie Sherwood; Gladys Clement.
The Detoys lived just east of the school at one time and may have had children in school. The Thornes lived east of the school site but probably before the school was built as the house was deserted and in bad condition by 1924. Delbert and Cora Wilson lived ½ mile east and had children Ralph, Roy, Marie and Delbert who may have attended in those first years.
During Miss Gann’s term (1925-26) a very dangerous episode took place. A man who was referred to as “Old Man Goings” went on a murderous rampage killing several members of the Noble family and Mr. & Mrs. Marengo and their daughter. Miss Gann’s father was constable of the Lee Township and he sat in his Model T coupe by the side of the road in front of the school with a gun at his side (rifle or shotgun). We learned later threats had been made against the Gann family as well as others in the area.
In 1932 the school was permanently closed for lack of students. The building was sold to the Woodbridge Women’s Club and is still there on the lower Sacramento road in Woodbridge. It is used as a Grange hall now. The bell which had called so many students into class went to the William McEnerney ranch.

This piano is now in the old Brown School building. An old newspaper article was recently discovered that showed that this piano was donated by Addie M. Benedict. Do you have any historical information about this school?
The refurbishing of the school house began at the end of August 2008. All the lath and plaster was removed. Two bathroom walls had to be moved out 10 inches to meet ADA requirements as well as widening the doorways.
Three ceilings were removed. All of the windows will have to be replaced.
The electrical was knob and tube. The building is being completely rewired. A central heat and air system has been installed which will make the place much more comfortable.
Our project completion date is 12-30-08.
The hole in the rafters is where a huge chimney was hanging by 2 small wires. That's where the potbelly stove must have been when the building was a school house.
Here's a bit of Grange history:
Woodbridge Grange #482
Members paid $250.00 for this triangular lot in 1938.
Grange purchased an abandoned school house in Galt in 1939.
School House $ 275.00
Moving to site $ 150.00
Foundation $ 55.00
Insurance $ 15.00
Lumber $ 186.00
Plaster & Roofing $ 93.00
Initial Cost of Hall $ 250.00
Total: $1,024.00
Stage built in 1941 $53.88
Outside painted and aluminum roofing installed 1958 $880.47
Laguna School
The little red schoolhouse, known as the Laguna School, was a landmark in Herald for years. In 1992, when it was scheduled to be destroyed, Katherine Bottimore Georgi wrote the following history of the structure for The Galt Herald.
The Little Red Schoolhouse was built by the Lewins, Steele, and Howard families. They came across the plains together in the early 1850’s and settled at Clay Station. Thomas Lewins was my great-grandfather. He was born in 1837, of English ancestry.
When the families arrived at Clay Station, there were several school-age children from the three families. The menfolk got together and built the school, known as the Laguna School, which is now (1991) standing on the “Plaza” at Herald.
During the building of the school, my great-grandfather passed away. His death was on March 20, 1858, and the school was well on the way to being completed. I would therefore date the complete construction on or about 1860.
Great-grandpa Lewins had six daughters, one of which was my grandmother, Isabel Quiggle, on my mother’s side. My mother was Cora Quiggle Bottimore. Great-grandma Lewins was the first woman to “prove up” on government land in Sacramento County.
My grandmother, my mother, Cora Quiggle, and her sister, Maud Quiggle Procter, all attended Laguna School in Clay Station. According to the last school records available, the Laguna School (the Little Red Schoolhouse) was in use through the 1943-44 school year, with Mrs. Helen Rae (Bolton) Bottimore the teacher.
In 1948, the members of the Herald Garden Club became the owners of the Laguna School, and they moved the school from its original location on the east side of Clay Station Road, between Highway 104 to the north, and the Maestretti home to the south, to Herald Park to serve as their clubhouse. It was then that it became known as the “Little Red Schoolhouse”.
There were five of us who organized the Herald Garden Club, Freida Kenefick, Dona Fawcett, Marie Monseth, Helen Bottimore, and myself, Katherine Georgi. It grew to a membership of approximately 50 members who looked after the care of the old school building. When the Herald Garden Club disbanded, the Little Red Schoolhouse was left unattended and fell into disrepair.
The poor “Little Red Schoolhouse”! It looks so frail, and the last time I was in it, a year or so ago, it surely appeared to be frail, as if you gave it a push, it might come down around you. I don’t seem to be able to sort out my emotions about it, but I think it’s obvious that it can’t be put to any practical use, no matter what one might do. Actually, it would be a waste of money to try, and beyond its value for sentiment’s sake.
It all brings back so many memories. Al Wittemore trying to hit high “C”, and “Santy” Claus having his beard catch fire when we really lit the candles on the tree. And the teacher – Phoebe Hobday, who was such a dear lady, and who really tried to put on a good Christmas show – and others whose names I can’t remember, but just the way they dressed and talked and taught. And, of course, the “Programs” for holidays, when it (the schoolhouse) was so full it was “standing room only”.
Replicas never quite carry the meaning of an original, but I do think any new structure that might be put up could be reminiscent, structurally and architecturally that is, of the “Little Red Schoolhouse”, and still be adjusted in size and appointment for present needs. Yeah, I think I do really vote for the practical, fairly large “copy”, with plenty of room for all. I think it should be red, and I do think it should have a bell!
(The Little Red Schoolhouse was declared unsafe and torn down in 1992. No plans for rebuilding a replica have been considered as of July 1, 1998.)
Local Towns
The History of Clay, California

[Image obtained from 'History of Sacramento County California' in 1880, published by Thompson & West, Oakland, Cal. 1880]
Have you ever heard of the town of "Clay"? Well it once was one Galt's neighboring towns. Where is Clay? Clay, along with several other small pioneer towns, is in the Herald area, northeast of Galt. Like the others, Clay is lost to the all-encompassing name of "Herald". There was a time, however, that the town was known as "Clay Station", since it had a train station where folks could catch the Ione train into Galt to shop or to connect with the train to Sacramento.
The first settler in Clay was Thomas Steele, who settled in the area in 1858. He built a store in 1875, and was the postmaster and Wells Fargo agent there. In 1884 he had a brick two-story home built, sold his store to his nephew, and became a realtor.
The first woman in Sacramento County to "prove up" on government land was Elizabeth Lewins. Elizabeth's husband was an experienced cabinetmaker who had worked for Brigham Young. While in Salt Lake City, he took some boards from his wagon and made a cabinet for Brigham Young. That cabinet is on display at the Museum in Salt Lake City. When Mr. Lewins died, Elizabeth and her five daughters managed the ranch at Clay Station. Elizabeth later married Curtis Bolton. They had three more children. A daughter, Isabelle, married Volaske Quiggle. A granddaughter, Cora Belle, married William Bottimore. Their descendants reside in the Herald and Galt areas today.
The soil of this area is a mixture of gravel and adobe with considerable red loam and sandy soil. Because of this, the area was called "Clay Station." There was once a creek filled with water coming from Amador County, known as Laguna Creek. In winter it often overflowed its banks half a mile wide. Reservoirs and water diversion have cut back the flow to a small amount of water today.
Although it is close to Galt, the people of Clay are not a part of the incorporated city. They are a part of the Sacramento County area that is northeast of Galt. In recent years, families seeking a quiet rural life have built their homes in that area. Their children attend Arcohe Elementary School and are currently bussed into Galt to attend High School.
The History of Thornton, California

This is the S & S Market, originally the Gibson Store
One of our members is researching the history of Thornton. In the process, she has found some interesting bits of information, which we share with you. Here's what has been learned thus far. If you have information, or photos about this town or the families that lived here, please send them to us.
Mokelumne City was located three miles north of the present city of Thornton on the road to Franklin.
In 1850, just after the Benson Ferry river crossing was established, Mokelumne City was surveyed along the river's edge, and lots were sold. The building of the Lower Sacramento Road in 1853, through Woodbridge, connected Stockton to Sacramento and helped the area grow. Mokelumne City was laid out at the junction of the Cosumnes and Mokelumne Rivers. The Snap brothers opened a general store, and the town provided supplies to the miners in the Mother Lode. The river was its lifeline. Light steamers could navigate the river ten miles above the point where the Mokelumne merged with the San Joaquin River.
In 1857, a sloop, the Mary Bowers, sailed up the Mokelumne to its junction with the Cosumnes at Mokelumne City. At one point, Mokelumne City, with its deep-water connection to San Francisco, was the second largest city in San Joaquin County. It competed only with Stockton. Mokelumne City boasted 23 houses, a hotel, and a lumberyard. As the gold rush ended, the trade to the mining camps lessened, and Mokelumne City began to decline. The final blow came in 1862 when the flood came. Nineteen houses were swept away. All the bridges across the Mokelumne were gone, even the one far up river at Clements. After the flood, very little remained. A few people stayed until 1898 when the Barber family purchased the town site.
Today, the Housken House stands on Franklin Road. It was originally two buildings, a hotel and a bar. In the flood of 1862, it floated downstream a half-mile south and a little east of the town. Because it came to rest on land owned by the same man, it was not returned to its original site. Instead, it was put on logs, pulled by a team of horses, and placed next to a nearby road. The house gets its name from W.C. Housken, who was born in the house, who was a Justice of the Peace for Union Township and was a resident of Thornton for over 83 years.
Benson Ferry: Just one-third mile west of Mokelumne City was the river crossing, Benson Ferry. It was established by Edwin Stokes and A.M. Woods. John A. Benson purchased the ferry in 1850. He then built a house there in 1852. During the flood of 1862, the Benson house was lashed to a large tree and was saved from being washed down river. On December 5, 1996, a brush fire, which got out of control, burned the old Benson House and the Benson Ferry. The Benson Ferry Road sign is all that remains today.
New Hope: New Hope was founded because of the flood of 1862. It replaced Mokelumne City. This time, the town was not built directly on the river.
New Hope grew slowly. By 1880, New Hope had a blacksmith shop, stable, saloon, post office, and several homes. In 1863, Arthur Thornton purchased a ranch in New Hope, and in1879, he married Emma Greives. Mr. Thornton built a two-story home and opened a store with a partner, E.A. Borrland. The daily stage line to the Lodi Railroad Station ran by their store. On November 12, 1878, Arthur Thornton was appointed Postmaster, a position that he held for thirty years.
In 1904, the Western Pacific Railroad wanted to put a line through New Hope. Arthur Thornton, who owned 1000 acres of land, offered the right-of-way through his land, with the thought that the railroad would bring business to New Hope. The Western Pacific honored Thornton by naming their new station and large freight depot after him. The city, New Hope, was officially renamed "Thornton" five years later on November 26, 1909.
The Last of The Thorntons
(Chapter 8 from Tapestry: A Collection of Writings from Pioneer Days)
In August, 1959, the Sacramento Bee published the following story about Jessie Thornton, the last of pioneer Arthur Thornton’s family, who was then 80 years old and still maintaining the Thornton Hotel.
San Joaquin County - It is unusual to find an octogenarian tending bar, particularly when that bartender happens to be an 80 year old woman.
Jessie Thornton takes her occupation in stride, just as she does all the other duties in running a 14 room hotel. Her 80 years rest lightly on her shoulders, and she considers her present work merely one of the interesting facets in a life made up of exciting incidents. These have ranged from doing her share in fighting floods along the Mokelumne River to taking voice lessons in Italy.
Miss Thornton says she is the last of the Thorntons, a family of early settlers in the region. The town, originally called New Hope, was renamed for her father, Arthur Thornton, who came to the area from Scotland in 1865 and operated the general store, post office and Wells Fargo office. In addition, he owned and managed large farming acreages. A farm of 5,000 acres was just average sized in her father’s time.
The hotel, with its vine covered porches, originally was the family home, built by her mother and father in 1871, in which they raised their five daughters.
“Those five girls were a bitter disappointment to our Chinese cook”, Miss Thornton relates. “When the last girl arrived, he said, ‘Oh, no, not another girl!’ and went out on a two week drunk.”
Miss Thornton recalls a girlhood filled with memories of winter floods, when they were surrounded by water from the Mokelumne and Cosumnes Rivers.
“Thornton is on higher ground, and never flooded”, she said. “The folks on lower ground would come from miles around, and would bring their cattle, horses, and possessions. Our big house would be full, and there would be people camping all around us in tents and makeshift shelters waiting for the water to go down. We always had to keep plenty of supplies on hand, because when those floods came, we were completely shut off in all directions.”
“I remember on one occasion my father got in his rowboat and rowed all the way to the back door of the Walnut Grove Hotel, eight miles away.”
During these flood-filled sessions, each member of the family was assigned specific duties by her father.
“My sister and I had the job of getting up at midnight, putting up lunches, hitching up the horses and taking the food to the men out sandbagging the levees.”
“It didn’t do us a bit of good to be afraid,” she said, “we had to do it anyway.”
Her father built the first road between Thornton and Walnut Grove over a tulle filled-marshland. His unit of measurement was to have his daughters drive over the area, with a rag tied to the buggy wheel so that he could gauge the distance.
Miss Thornton can remember the first levee building operations, when the work was done by Chinese laborers with shovels and wheelbarrows.
Her own personal experiences included years of voice study in Milan, Italy, after which she conducted a studio in Sacramento. She has lived in San Francisco and other communities, but always returned to Thornton as home base.
“It’s a hard town to leave”, she says. “It has such a nice climate and the people are so friendly.”
The Barbers of Thornton
(Chapter 7 from Tapestry: A Collection of Writings from Pioneer Days)
Since 1872, when pioneer George Barber moved to New Hope with his young family, there have been members of the Barber family in Thornton. Four generations of Barbers have lived in the area and taken an active part in the life of the little community. In January, 1975, the Lodi News Sentinal reported this history of the Barber family.
George Barber, supervisor of the 4th District, is the fourth generation of Thornton Barbers to hold an elected office.
“I guess we have just been interested in our area and in helping make it a better place to live,” Barber said shortly after he was sworn in as the Supervisor from the north county district.
It all began shortly after 1872 when the first Barber settled in San Joaquin County. He was also George Barber and had moved here with his young family from Summerhill, New York. He purchased 100 acres in the Thornton area before the town was even named.
He purchased land which included the defunct town of Taison at Beaver Slough. This property is still being farmed by the family and the holdings also include two additional towns unheard of by the present generation - Mokelumne City and Benson.
Barber says today, “The old gentleman certainly knew good land.” All four generations of the family continued the farming operations, but they have also taken an unusually keen interest in community affairs.
Great grandfather George was a Justice of the Peace in the 1880’s and 90’s - an elective position. Many colorful tales of his career have regaled the family for years.
Court was held in Arthur Thornton’s saloon according to Barber. Proceedings would stop once in a while so they could have a drink and court would continue, although the judge was no drinker himself.
The town wasn’t even named Thornton at the time. It was New Hope and the elementary school district there still bears the name. Thornton was the first to build a house in the area. He gave property to Western Pacific for a railroad line and the depot was named after the benefactor.
The area was still the “woolly west” before the turn of the century and the judge toured the circuit holding court throughout Union Township.
One of the tales still kept alive involves some very early Delta history. Barber said the judge was traveling by horse and buggy to Walnut Grove for court when he chanced upon a Chinese coolie with baskets of dirt on the end of a long pole across his back.
Credit can be given to these hard working people who built the first levees by hand in the Delta area soil reclamation.
But the horse had never seen such a sight as the long pole and baskets and was so frightened it jumped right into the river, the buggy with the judge following. Judge Barber made it out of the river, but his horse and buggy were gone.
Judge Barber had two sons, Edward and of course, George, who is the supervisor’s grandfather. They took up the community and farming duties where their father left off. He died in 1907.
They were equal partners in the farming operation and each also kept a dairy. They added to the family holdings and eventually owned 425 acres in addition to 100 acres in the Yaqui River Valley in Mexico.
The second George Barber, who had gone to the East for a part of his education, became a teacher. But within a year he returned to the Thornton farm.
Earliest county school records show that he served on the New Hope School Board - an elective position - from 1910 until 1925, but it could have been earlier as no records were available before then. He held the position of Board President, the same one that the Supervisor now also holds.
That was his only elective office, but he was a director of a milk producing association for 20 years and was active in other agriculture organizations.
His brother Edward, the present George Barber’s great uncle, was elected Justice of the Peace for the township in 1906 and held the position for approximately 20 years.
He was also elected to the first Galt Union High School District Board of Trustees. He was also instrumental in organizing the reclamation district in Thornton and was on the board for many years.
The Supervisor’s father, James (an older cousin who died at an early age had already been given the family name of George) was appointed to the position of constable in 1939, by Supervisor Ellory Stuckenbruck.
At the end of the term he was re-elected and continued to be elected until 1951 when the lower court system was reorganized. He was also active in law enforcement associations during this time. In 1953 he was elected to the Galt High School Board and served two terms.
The senior Barber also held offices in the Thornton Progress Club which became the Thornton Chamber of Commerce.
This is where the present George Barber became involved. Shortly after being discharged from Military service, he attended a chamber meeting “and the next thing I knew I was elected president”, he laughs.
His community service actually began before that and has continued, unceasingly since. When he was only 18 be became scoutmaster for the Thornton Boy Scout Troop. “I don’t know if it was legal for me to be scoutmaster at that age and at that time, but there was no one else to do it”.
He picked up the reins of the family tradition at an early age and was elected to the New Hope Board of Trustees. He was 26 and the youngest school board member in the entire state, “at a time when it wasn’t popular to be young and running for office”, Barber recalls.
Still holding the New Hope trusteeship, he was elected to the Delta College Board of Trustees for two terms, resigning from the Delta College position when he was elected Supervisor.
The George Housken Family
By Charlotte Cameron
George Housken was born in Norway in 1838. Mr. Housken came to America and directly to San Francisco, California in 1850 at the age of 22. He was a captain and owner of the schooner “Reliance” which plied the Sacramento River and was engaged in the Oregon lumber trade. In 1857 he acquired patented land and opened a store at the head of Beaver Slough which empties into the South Fork of the Mokelumne River. In 1873 he purchased 380 acres of land in Union Township. His farm was well stocked with cattle and horses.
The legend is that his house was put together from two buildings that survived from the 1860 Mokelumne City flood. It has had improvements made over the years. This house still stands on Thornton Road about a mile north from the town of Thornton.
George Housken married Katherine Ling of San Francisco, a native of Germany, in 1865. They had 8 children: Frank Oliver; Oscar (deceased prior to 1923); William Christopher; Kate (Mrs. Fountain of Oakland); Augusta (Mrs. Von Enden of Holland); Laura (Mrs. Cogshall of Berkeley); and Josie (Mrs. Von Doran of Portland, Oregon).
Two of the sons remained in San Joaquin County. Frank Oliver Housken, born in 1868, was an attorney and admitted to the bar in 1890. He practiced civil law specializing in real property law in probates. In 1901 he married Anna Lammer and later lived in Tracy. Lammersville was named after her family.
William Christopher Housken was born in 1873 on the family ranch near New Hope. In 1878 when William Christopher was 6 years old the levees were under construction. He recalled that the majority of the work was accomplished using wheelbarrows by Chinese laborers. In 1890 when he was 18 years old he enrolled in the Ramsey Business College in Stockton for a year before returning to his father’s ranch. The elder Housken by this time had two farms, 360 acres and 480 acres. Until 1898 William Christopher worked on the family ranch, then worked in the Whittaker and Ray Store in Galt. He was later manager of the Don Ray Company's store at New Hope for six years. In 1902 he married Sigrid Sigelkoff of New Jersey who came to Walnut Grove with her family when she was 8 years old. In 1907 William Christopher worked along the river for 6 years where he was a pilot of river launches and towing at Antioch for 3 years; then worked for 2 years at the Sampson Iron Works. During this time he maintained a home in Stockton. He returned to the family farm near New Hope, trading homes with his father, where he raised alfalfa and beans, and grazed cattle. William Christopher and Sigrid had twins: Merle (Mrs. Wight/Shirrella of Modesto) and George H. Housken. William Christopher served as Justice of the Peace and was a member of the New Hope School Board. The family lived in the house where he was born, which was built by his father.
In 1907 he earned the title of judge by running successfully for justice of the peace - serving for four years. In 1936 he was appointed to the Justice Court and served until 1951. Several local couples were married by the judge at his home including Bruno and Loretta Mori; and Floyd and Annabelle Lavaroni.
George H. Housken was born about 1910. He married Leola and they had one son: George E. Housken. George H. Housken was a carpenter by trade. He died in 1988 at the age of 78. He served on the Reclamation District Board for 25 years.
George E. Housken born about 1942 continued to live on the property and built his own machine shop and was known as a very good craftsman. He married and had two sons.
Elliott Cemetery

The Elliott cemetery as of 15 February, 2004
Elliott cemetery was started in 1859 by the Methodist Church with a part of it controlled by the Odd Fellows. Later, given up by the Odd Fellows and from then on owned solely by the Methodists. Interred are 45+ persons with about 40 presently identified. The last burial was in 1948.
It is located 5.5 miles east of Highway 99 on Liberty Road. It is between Sowles and Elliott road, on the south side. Liberty Road is an exit off of 99 and is one mile south of Galt.
Recent improvements include a gate made by a local high school student, Morgan Flint, for his Boy Scout Eagle badge.

A booklet of names is being prepared and stories from descendants is sought. Contact the Galt Area Historical Society if you have any information.
Liberty Pioneer Cemetery

Located in San Joaquin County
We all have learned that the Town of Liberty, located just south of Galt, became a ghost town when the Central Pacific Railroad decided to make Galt its stop, in 1869. We consider Liberty to be our “roots”, and so the Society has taken over and preserved the pioneer cemetery of Liberty so that the story of those pioneers who came before the town of Galt existed would not be totally lost.
The Liberty Cemetery was re-fenced, thanks to the work of Tom Champion, a Galt High shop teacher, and the Boy Scouts. It was cleaned of weeds and debris to keep it neat. The Society maintains it and preserved those stones that were not already vandalized and/or broken before we began. Verne Hoffman, former Chairman of the Liberty Cemetery Committee, (now deceased) and Barbara Filbon have done research to list all those pioneers buried in the Liberty Cemetery. At present, Eric Schneider, current Chairman, sees to the maintenance and care of this pioneer cemetery.

The new gazebo contains all of the names of those buried here.
There is now a highway marker indicating that the Liberty Cemetery is a “Point of Historical Interest” which was placed at the Liberty Road exit on US 99 by Cal Trans, thanks to the efforts of Councilwoman, Christina Dela Cruz several years ago.

This is an example of work to restore, as well as possible, the results of vandalism. This marker was broken up and is now set in concrete to preserve it. Recently a security firm has been contracted to provide assistance on Halloween nights.
Most of the maintenance crews are volunteers from local community groups and from county work crews. The yearly budget is about $1,000. Donations to assist in keeping this cemetery up are greatly appreciated.
History of Liberty Cemetery
Barbara Filbin
Liberty Cemetery was started in 1852 and was open to the public. The town of Liberty was located about one mile from the cemetery and was known first as "old Liberty" and was the stagecoach stop on the road from San Jose to Sacramento being about half way from each town. In the year 1860 Chism Cooper Fugitt built a hotel about four blocks away from the old Town of Liberty and had this one acre surveyed and built the town of Liberty. It was a very productive town but by the year 1869 the railroad came through that area and the depot stop was given to the then started town of Galt, Sacramento County, California. The town of Liberty was disbanded within a few years and the Post Office moved into the town of Galt. The cemetery is well known as the final resting place for pioneers and early settlers of the Galt area.
The location of the Town of Liberty was in the northeast section of the County of San Joaquin at the crossroads of old Lower Sacramento Road (the old stagecoach road) and Liberty Road (the road that went to the gold country). Liberty Cemetery is located at the northeast corner of Highway 99 and Liberty Road in San Joaquin County, California and could be known as the "Cemetery of Children" due to the fact that so many children are buried there. The cemetery site is on five acres of land and is fenced with a beautiful iron gate. It is owned by the Galt Historical Society and work is being done to restore it.
At present there are 425 graves recorded. When highway 99 went through a part of the cemetery, 19 unmarked graves were removed and reburied and only three of them could be identified. We are sure there are many more burials there unrecorded.
The Galt Area Historical Society provides these names for no charge. Rather than charge, donations are accepted to help defray costs. Please help us keep this historical cemetery in good order for future generations. Additional information: Liberty Cemetery.
Recorded Names
??, Charles E., d.Nov. 17, 1879, 6y 19d, near Paris Ellison plot
???, E.R.W., d.1877
ADAMS, Garland S., d.Oct. 18, 1878, 13y 9m 22d, native of Kentucky
ALDRICH, Edward Horton, b.1860, d.1948
ALDRICH, Elizabeth J., b.1865, d.1924
ALDRICH, J.H., b.1888, d.Feb.1899
ALDRICH, John, b.1835, d.1893
ALDRICH, Joseph J., d.1923
ALDRICH, Joshua Edward., b.1889, d.Dec. 18, 1889
ALDRICH, Mabel F., b.1896, d.1896
ALDRICH, Wilson, d.May 6, 1887, 51y 1m 18d (Aldridge)
ALLPORT, Sarah, d.Mar. 20, 1873, 70y 11m 12d, w/o Wm. Allport, native of Mass.
ALLPORT, Willam, d.Mar. 20, 1873, 70y
ANDERSON, Belinda, b.1856, .1894
ANDREW, Bruce, d.Nov. 11, 1932
BAKER, Frederick, d.May 11, 1916, 42y
BAKER, Joseph E., b.1830, d.1900
BAKER, Joseph, b.Aug 7, 1960, d.Jan.1, 1861
BAKER, Louisa, d.May 9, 1874, 26 yrs, 6 mos, 27 days. Wife of J.K. Baker. Born in Mo.
BAKER, Mary, b.1834, d.1911
BART, Daniel, b.Feb. 12, 1835, d.May 20, 1915
BART, George A., b.July 22, 1823, d.Nov. 8, 1900
BARTON, Clara (Smithson), b.1866, d.Oct. 26, 1933 Stone vandalized, w/o Samuel, d/o wm. D & Mary
BARTON, Infant son, b.July 19, 1892, d.July 20, 1892, s/o Samuel & Clara
BARTON, John L., b.Jan 30, 1840, d.Sept. 23, 1871, born Bedford Co., PA
BARTON, Samuel, b.Sept. 6, 1860, d.Mar 03, 1904, born in Preth County Canda, h/o Clara (Smithson), Stone vandalized
BEAN, Adalina, d.May 11, 1901, 47y
BEAN, Mable, b.Sept. 18, 1883, d.Nov. 4, 1918
BECKLEY, Sharon Gail, b.Feb. 12, 1949, d.Apr. 15, 1958, Died in San Francisco, Calif., buried in same grave at same time with Susan Ann Ernst
BELL, Lola V., b.June 3, 1882, d.Feb. 20, 1915 16
BETTFREUND, Minta L., b.Oct. 6, 1928, d.April 29, 1929
BOUNDS, John, d.Mar. 28, 1866, 76y 2m 10d, native of Virginia
BRADFORD, Alice (Grammer), No Dates
BRADFORD, Benjamin, d.No Dates
BREWSTER, Arthur, d.May 24, 1935, 80y 6m 2d
BREWSTER, Caroline, d.Nov. 12, 1905, 77y 2m 12d
BREWSTER, Clara L., d.May 3, 1871, 1y 11m 20d, d/o J. & C.F.
BREWSTER, John, b.1830, d.Feb. 2, 1905, 74y 4m 24d, h/o Caroline Frances (Coe), f/o Wm who is married to Kitty Fugitt, d/o Chism who founded the town of Liberty.
BREWSTER, John, d.Feb. 2, 1887, 76y
BRIGGS, Calvin T, d.Feb. 20, 1868, 60y 7m 10d, native of Brattleboro VT
BRIGGS, Calvin, d.Dec. 20, 1896, 64y
BRIGGS, Ezra, d.July 10, 1867, 64y 7m 20d, native of Taunton Mass
BRIGGS, James, d.Dec. 28, 1867, 23y 9m 26d, s/o C.T., born in Ark.
BRIGGS, Joshua, b.Aug 03, 1841, d.July 20, 1866
BROWN, Alice G., b.Apr. 15, 1900, d.Oct. 2, 1918, w/o Benjamin Bradford
BROWN, Alice T.(Grammer), b.Oct 15, 1858, d.May 14, 1933
BROWN, Andrew, b.1850, d.1930
BROWN, Benjamin Bradford., b.Mar. 25, 1856, d.Jan 07, 1929 paper 8th
BROWN, Catherine F., b.July 11, 1821, d.Nov. 8, 1906, w/o George Augustus Brown, married Dec. 25, 1844, m/o William Uriah, Henry Augustus, Franklin Pierce, Benjamin Bradford, Edwin W. and Elizabeth Bell Rodgers
BROWN, Child, d.Nov. 22, 1869, 13y, c/o C.P. & F.M.
BROWN, Frank, d.Sept. 14, 1901
BROWN, George Augustus, b.July 22, 1823, d.Nov. 8, 1900, h/o Catherine (Sadler), f/o William Uriah, Henry Augustus, Franklin Pierce, Benjamin Bradford, Edwin W., Elizabeth Bell Rodgers., born in Rhode Island
BROWN, George, d.Mar. 7, 1881
BROWN, Martha J., b.1826, d.Jan.7,1902, w/o Robert
BROWN, Robert, b.1827, d.1903, h/o Martha J.
BROWN, Ruth K., b.Oct. 1, 1897, d.July 13, 1900
BRUCE, ??, d., b.1850, d.1930
BRUCE, Andrew, d.Nov. 11, 1932
BRUCE, Charity, b.1875, d.Sept. 14, 1938, nee DeWitt, w/o Andrew, m/o Maggie Bruce Jensen Female Bruce (Mrs. Charles Marshall), George, Robert, John, Charles and Paul Bruce.
BUNDS, Mary E., d.Nov. 4, 1865, 34y, w/o J.C.
BUNDS, Susan E., d.Jan. 19, 1868, 27y 2m 17d, d/o J.F. & M.B. Steel, w/o Alex
BURNETT, Joseph, b.Oct 28, 1856, d.May 20, 1859, s/o E.S.& T.F.
CALLAWAY, Eliza F., d.Oct. 18, 1879, 15y 8m 15d, d/o G.L. & A.
CAMPBELL, Abbie R., d.Dec. 15, 1868, 9m 15d, s/o A.R. & M.A.
CAMPBELL, Adbiel R., d.Feb. 29, 1868, 39y 8m 18d
CAMPBELL, Paris, d.Oct. 9, 1879,14 yrs, 10 mos, 28 days, s/o A.R. & M.A
CAROW, Bernard, b.1845, d.1917, native of Germany
CARR, Charles, b.1872, d.1928
CARR, E.B., b.July 25, 1836, d.Jan. 16, 1909
CARR, Elizabeth, b.1851, d.1929
CARR, George Thomas, b.June 18, 1837, d.1924, h/o Eliza (Coppin), f/o Charles C., Caroline E., George, Eliza, John and Gracie., born in Merrimar Co., N.H
CARR, Julia Maude (Henning), b.1876, d.Jan.5, 1929
CARR, Mary, b. July 26, 1835, d.June 16, 1909, 72y, w/o Hon. Seymour Carr
CARR, Seymour, d.May 14, 1912, 71y 8m 14d
CATHUM, B.J., b.Jan 11, 1821, d.Mar. 8, 1906
CHAPLIN, Edward C., d.May 9, 1865, 5y 8m 11d, s/o C. & S.E.
CHAPLIN, Ella, d.Jan. 8, 1862, 11y 1m 21d, d/o C. & S.E.
CHASE, Freddie B., d.Nov. 3, 1870, s/o H. & A.F.
CHASE, M., d.Nov. 3, 1870, 10y 9m 27d, c/o H. & S.F.
CHURCH, Eliza F., d.Dec. 1 1858, d/o Nelson & Abigail, 1y 10m 15d
CHURCH, Julia M., d.July 7, 1867, 28y 10m 10d, d/o N. & A. Church
CHURCH, Leroy N., d.Mar. 24, 1869, 1y 5m 27d, s/o N. & A.
CHURCH, Martha E., d.June 2 1869, 15y 11m 11d, d/o N. & A.
CHURCH, Nelson, d.Oct. 5, 1863, 56y 4d
COLLIN, ?, d.No dates
COLLINS, Infant, d.July, 11, 1870, c/o Wm C. & E., s/w Louisa E.
COLLINS, Louisa E., d.Sept. 9, 1869, 2m 25d, c/o Wm C. & E., s/w Infant
COLLINS, Louisa, b.Sept 19, 1869, d.1870, d/o Wm & A.M. DePue
COLTON, Acha Maria, b.1823, d.1893
COLTON, Benjamin, d.Sept. 11, 1922
COLTON, C.F., d.July 14, 1904, 39y
COLTON, Louis, d.1896
COLTON, Louisa, b.1850, d.1911, w/o G.M.
COULK, George, d.June 7, 1910, 41y
COX, James H., b. Sept 6, 1852, d.Nov. 8, 1854, s/o I.S. & Kate
CRAWFORD, Icybinda, d.July, 11, 1867, 35y 5m, w/o W.R.
CRAWFORD, John M., d.Nov. 23, 1866, 60y 11m 6d, of Ohio Co, KY
CRAWFORD, Sarah R., d.Feb. 2, 1872, aged 64 yrs, 6 mos, 19 days., Born in Bourban Co., Ky.
DANIEL, Bart, d.May 20, 1915
DANIEL, Mary Jane, b.May 20, 1828, d.June 15, 1910, 84y 8d, w/o Barton
DANIELS, Henry B., d.July, 3, 1869, 4y 3m 5d, s/o R.M. & M.
DART, Levi S., b.Aug. 20, 1836, d.Aug. 23, 1919
DART, Mary, b.Aug. 8, 1883, d.Nov. 9, 1908
DE PUE, A.M., A.M. d.Feb 17, 1870, 50y
DE PUE, William A. M.G., d.Feb. 17,1870
DIXON, Julia, b.1861, d.1903
DOUGLAS, Spencer, b.Mar. 23, 1823, d.June 11, 1893
DOUGLASS, Mary, b.Mar. 7, 1883, d.Nov. 9, 1908
DREIW, August, d.1923
DRISCOL, Eldorado, b.1855, d.1932, never married, s/o John & Lydia
DRISCOL, Jeremiah, b.Jan 01, 1869, d.Feb. 22, 1869, 1m 22d, s/o J.K. & Sarah Ann (Allen) Driscol
DRISCOL, John K., b.Dec. 21, 1827, d.Dec. 11, 1898, born in Iowa, 70y 11m 20d, h/o Sarah Ann (Allen)
DRISCOL, John, b.Dec. 11, 1827, d.About 1902 Age 74y 2m 1d
DRISCOL, John, b.March 1864, d.Feb. 7, 1869, 5y 11m, s/o G.W. & M.E.
DRISCOL, John, d.Feb. 23, 1869, 47y
DRISCOL, Lydia K., b.Sept. 8, 1829, d.Sept. 9, 1899, Native of Penn, 70 y, w/o John Driscol Deceased 9 mos. Ago, m/o Eldorado Driscol.
DRISCOL, Sarah A., b.Aug 20, 1830, d.Feb. 23, 1877
DRISCOL, Sarah Ann, d.Feb. 21, 1877, 47y 7m, w/o John
DRISCOLL, Allen, b.Feb. 8, 1852, d.June 19, 1907, 50y, born in Iowa, s/o John & Sarah
DUSTIN, Fornatus, d.Oct. 11, 1872, 52y 7m 24d
ELLISON, Nancy C., d.May 13, 1860, 56y 9m 23d, from Boon Co, Mo, w/o 7 s/w Paris
ELLISON, Paris, d.Dec. 31, 1869, 71y 6m 11d, late of Boone Co, Mo, s/w Nancy C.
ERNST, Susan Ann, b.Sept. 19, 1886, d.Nov. 15, 1957, Died Oroville, Calif., buried in East lawn originally. Susan and Sharon Beckley were buried together April 19, 1958. No relationship noted.
ESMOND, Eva, d.No dates
ESMOND, Marryetta, d.No dates
ESMOND, Olive Mable, d.No dates
ESTES, Daughter, d.July 6, 1868 (ESLAS), d/o W.T. & L.L.
ESTES, Son, d.Aug. 20, 1861 (ESLAS), s/o W.T. & L.L.
EVERSON, Alvirah, b.1847, d.1917
EVERSON, Julia, b.1833, d.1900
FASH, Adra Ella, d.Mar. 4, 1860, dau of F.J. & Chas.
FASH, Frances J., d.May 5, 1866, 37y, w/o Chas.
FORWOOD, Edwin S., b.1906, d.May 1,1928
FRANK, V., d.1868, born in Germany
FUGGITT, Climinnie, d.Oct. 1896, born in Indiana, w/o Benjamin
FUGITT, Benjamin, d.Dec. 7, 1870, 7y 4m 26d, s/o B. & M.
FUGITT, Benjamin, d.Oct. 25, 1876 or 1878, 53y 7m 3d, born in Mo, 1st wife maria, 2nd wife, Climinnie
FUGITT, Ellen, d.Sept. 24, 1861, 17mo, only d/o Lloyd L.
FUGITT, John C., d.Mar. 1895, 41y
FUGITT, Maria, d.Oct. 30, 1866, DAR record says 41y, w/o Benjamin, native of Indiana
FUNDERBURG, Elizabeth, d.Aug. 3, 1886, 71y 9m 17d
FUQUA, Delbert, b.Dec. 16, 1874, d.Nov. 20, 1875, 11m 5d, s/o Francis Marion & .Mary Francis (Wilson
FUQUA, Francis Marian, d.May 24,1907
FUQUA, James R., b.1836, d.Jan. 14, 1910, s/o Alfred & Mary, h/o Louisa (Carter)
FUQUA, John C., d.Feb. 8, 1888, 50y 8m 5d, h/o Mary D. (Depur), h/o 2nd wife Virginia (Stafford)
FUQUA, Louisa, b.1847, d.May 31, 1908, nee Carter, w/o James R.
FUQUA, Mary Ann, d.Oct. 31, 1907
FUQUA, Mary D., d.Oct. 24,1872, aged 24 yrs, 4 mos, 18 days, w/o J.C. Fuqua. 1st. wife of John Coleman Fuqua.
FUQUA, Virginia F., b.1851, d.1944, w/o John Coleman Fugua
GRAMMER, E.G., d.1934, and buried next to Martha A. Hickey his wife who died in 1892, He was the 1st. white child born in Liberty Township. Born abt. 1856.
GRAMMER, Martha Hickey, d.Dec. 10, 1882
GRAMMER,Martha A., d.1907
GRANTLY, A.D., d.June 30 1888, 24y
GRAVES, Charles Wesley, d.May 25, 1919, 54y
GREEEN, Pulaski, d.May 15, 1859, 31y
GREEN, Polaski, d.July 15, 1859, 34y, born in NY came from Boon Co, MO, s/w Shirley
GREEN, Shirley, d.Feb. 2, 1859, 11m 11d, s/o Polaski & Ann Eliza Green, s/w Polaski
GRE--L, Polaski, d.May 15, 1859, 31y
GRIMLEY, Emma, d.June 1874, aged 29 yrs, 3 mos., Wife of A.D. Grimley, native of Negany Co, N. Y.
GRUEWELL, John C., d.July 16, 1861, 21y 6m 16d
GRUEWELL, John C., d.July 16, 1882
HASKINS, Ralph, d.No dates, U.S. Navy
HAYDEN, Nathan, d.July 14, 1925
HEMMING, Julia M., d.1929 paper says Henning (Carr, Julia
HENRY, Jeffrey, b.Aug. 9, 1868, d.June 3, 1911
HENRY, Rhoda (Putney ), d.May, 12, 1897
HICKEY, Florah K., d.Aug. 26, 1865, 5y 9m 25d, c/o J.H. & M.E.
HICKEY, Florence, d.1920
HICKEY, Isabelle, b.1880, d.1971, s/o Wm. J.
HICKEY, J.H., b.Feb. 27, 1828, d.Nov. 7, 1907
HICKEY, J.I., d.Jan. 20, 1951, 75y
HICKEY, James B., b.1873, d.1972, marker near by says, b.1873, d.1959.
HICKEY, Jennie., d.Oct. 2, 1910, 68y, w/o Wm S.
HICKEY, Joshua F., d.July 8, 1864, 33y, native of Pa
HICKEY, Martha A., d.Dec. 10, 1882, nee Grammer, 25y 3m 7d, w/o E.B.
HICKEY, Martha, d.Dec. 10, 1892
HICKEY, Minnie E., d.Feb. 10, 1871, 11y 20d
HICKEY, Sarah, b.1848d.1933
HICKEY, William J, b.June 30,1878, d.Jan. 18, 1964, b/o Isabelle
HICKEY, William S, d.Nov. 17, 1904, 67y, h/o Jennie
HICKEY, William, d.Nov. 9, 1907, 85y, born in Mo.
HUBERT, Granville L., b.1861, d.1933
HUBERT, Howard H., b.1902, d.Jan. 30,1930
HUBERT, Lydia, b.1859d.1933
HUGHES, Elizabeth (Steele), d.1917, "Aunt Betsy", d/o John & Harriet (Yates) Steele
HUGHES, Mrs. O.J., d.Jan. 26, 1923 Obit. Paper
HUGHES, Nellie, d.Nov. 16, 1861, 2y 3m, d/o W.G. & Clementine
HUGHES, O.J., d.No Dates, born in Linden Indiana, husband of ? Cox
HUGHES, William G., d.Apr. 5, 1862
HUNTING, Benjamin F., d.June 19, 1878, 52y
JEFFERY, Henry, d.Jan. 31, 1911
JEFFERY, John, d.Apr. 22, 1870, from england
JEFFERY, John, d.Jan. 6, 1878
JENKS, Our Babe, d.Feb. 27, 1877, 16m, babe of G.W & J.A.
JOHNSON, Emily, b.1855, d.1914
JOHNSON, N.P., d.May 17, 1930
JOHNSON, Phyalia, d.Apr. 13, 1896, 81y
JOHNSON, Thomas M., d.May 8, 1914, 62y
JOHNSON, Walter, d.May 10, 1897, 92y
JONES, Alice C., d.May 29, 1875, 3y 4m 15d, d/o O.L. & M. A.
JONES, Sarah J., d.May 24, 1875, s/w Alice C., 1y 2m 5d, d/o O.L. & M. A.
KERR, Alexander, b.1884, d.1958
KERR, Emma, b.Aug. 24, 1897, d.Jan. 29, 1978
KERR, George H., d.Dec. 21, 1898, 69y
KERR, Mary, E., d.Dec. 18,1889
KING, Dr. G.W., b.Oct. 03, 1822, d.Feb. 21, 1892
KING, Frank, b.1861, d.1929
KING, Mervall Burton, d.Dec 31, 1911, 27y
KING, Susan Diana, b.1828, d.Feb. 23, 1892
LAIRD, Mrs. E.G.( Estelle Abbott) Jan. 12, 1923
LATOURRETTE, Amanda A., b.1857, d.1951
LATOURRETTE, Eliza, b.April 9, 1844, d.Dec. 12, 1893
LATOURRETTE, John D., b.1850, d.Oct. 24,1931
LATOURRETTE, John, d.1921
LATOURRETTE, Paredes, b.Feb. 16, 1846, d.Apr. 15, 1929, 83y 1m 29d, b. in Clark Co, Ohio, died in Sacramento County CA
LATOURRETTE, Willie, b.Feb. 22, 1870, d.Jan. 9, 1887
LAWLESS, Esther A., d.Dec. 17, 1869, 33y 4m 6d, d/o N. & A. Church
LEMON, M.H., b.1828, d.1878
LEMON, Wm. H., b.Jan. 14, 1828, d.May 29, 1873
LEROY, Ann, d.Jan. 6, 1878, 42y, w/o Fred R. and former w/o John Jeffery, a native of England
LEROY, Fred, b.May 13, 1877, d.Nov. 26, 1909, 34y, s/o John LeRoy, His Mother is buried in Liberty, h/o Ann Leroy
LEROY, J.B., d.Nov. 26, 1909
LEWIS, Anna E., b.1848, d.1929
LEWIS, Edmond, d.Dec 6, 1893, 37y, from Wales
LEWIS, James, b.Nov. 9, 1848, d.Sept. 22, 1913
LOLL, Frank S., d.Nov. 12, 1908, 34y
LOLL, Henry G., d.Dec. 21, 1908, 30
LOWER, Charity, d.Apr. 5, 1894, 79y 27d, born in Ky
LOWER, John, b.July 11, 1821, d.Apr. 17, 1906 paper 19th
LYDS, James, b.June 9, 1833, d.Feb. 11, 1903
LYDS, William H., d.June 18, 1916, 63y
MARSHALL, Mina, b.1861, d.Dec. 17, 1914, born in Placerville, Calif., 1st. unmarked grave that was moved when the Highway went through.
McANAN, Frances J., d.June 19, 1919, 58y
McANAN, Thomas, b.May 16, 1874, d.July 4, 1894
McANAN, William Frances, d.Jan, 24, 1925, 59y
McCORD, Gallan P., d.June 16, 1930 paper 17th, Infant son of Jack
McHOLDEN, John, d.no dates, native of Vermont, 65y at death
McNEIL, Alexander, b.1880, d.1945
McNEIL, Mary, d.Dec. 1975 95 yrs. By Ruth Walsh, her sister
McTUCKER, Anna, b.1872, d.1896, Died of Consumption, d/o Nathaniel and Ione (Wilson)
McTUCKER, Ione, b.1836, d.Mar. 26,1929 (Watson)
McTUCKER, James, b.1876, d.1952, s/o Nathaniel and Ione (
McTUCKER, Nathaniel, d.Nov. 24, 1891, 67y 6m 11d, h/o Ione (Watson)
MEAD, Amos, d.Aug. 6, 1893, h/o Mary E. (Latourette), no children
MEAD, Mary E., d.Oct. 21, 1896, 57y
MEALER, C.C., d.May 7, 1902, 67y
MEALER, Jefferson, d.Jan. 2, 1890, 67y
MEALER, Mary E., d.May 15, 1889
NEEDHAM, Alice (Fuqua ), b.Apr. 16, 1876, d.July 2, 1896, 20y 2m 16d, d/o Francis Marion & Mary F. (Wilson), w/o Amos, s/o P.H.
NEEDHAM, Olive H., b.Nov. 3, 1849, d.Apr. 14, 1911, w/o P.O. NORFLEET, Mary A., b.Jan 02, 1848, d.July 9, 1868
PEARSON, Alfred, b.1861, d.1934,s/o William R. and Sarah Ellen (Baker)
PEARSON, Margaret E., d.Mar. 3, 1879, 20y 7m 3d, d/o William R. & Sarah E.(Baker)
PEARSON, Sarah Ellen, d.Dec. 5, 1861, 23y 10m 25dd, born in Ind. w/o W.R., m/o Seth, Allen, William, Margaret & Alfred.
PEASE, Mary Carlock, d.Jan. 8, 1882, 37y 4m 26d, w/o E.R., died at Galt Calif.
POMEROY, Mellissa, d.May 7, 1882, 55y 8m 12d, w/o O.S.
POWERS, Ida, b.Nov. 9, 1830, d.Sept. 1890
PRITCHARD, Ernest E., b.1867, d.1932, h/o Ida Jane (Fugua)
PRITCHARD, Ernest E., b.1899, d.1900, s/o John Wesley & Ida (Fugua)
PRITCHARD, Ida E., b.1876, d.1902, (Family records say Ida Jane born 1878) Child of John C. and Virginia Fuqua. Wife of John Wesley Pritchard.
PUETT, Charles M., d.Mar. 17, 1882, ?y 9m 9d, s/o W.H. & M.E.
PUTNEY, George S., d.June 7, 1887, 22y, Son of Henry S. & Rhoda A. (Bates) Putney
PUTNEY, Henry Sartvill, d.Dec. 27, 1921
PUTNEY, Rhoda (Bates), d.May 12, 1897, w/o Henry S., children Melvina E., George S., Julia M., Eliza C., And Frank K. Putney.
RAMSEY, Charles L., b.1852, d.1893
RAMSEY, Charles S., b.Oct. 24, 1852, d.June 6, 1932
RICHARDSON, Valentine, d.May 19, 1875, 24y 3m 5d, native of Yorkshire, England
RICHINA, Leonard S., b.1923, d.1926 (Richie or Ritchie), 2y
RITCHIE, Dora Gertrude, b.Feb. 15,1894, d.Oct. 23, 1964
RITCHIE, Harry J., b.1886, d.1948
RITCHIE, James E., d.No date.
RITTER, Benjamin, d.Sept 13, 1868, 21y 1m 16d, born East Varick NY, stone made by Roberts of Stockton CA
RITTER, Benjamin, d.Sept. 13, 1868
RITTER, Benjamin, d.Sept. 16, 1858, 24y, born in New York
RITTER, Charles E., b.Oct. 26, 1861, d.May 10, 1932
RITTER, Mary, d.Died a baby, d/o Chas. & Virginia
RITTER, Sarah G., d.July 9, 1868, 4y 3m 13d, d/o B. & M.L.
RITTER, Virginia E., b.1865, d.1938
ROGERS, Dewitt Clinton, d.June 17, 1897, 60y
ROPER, Infant son, d.Aug. 9, 1884, s/o Arthur & Susie
RUSSELL, Infant Daughter, d.Nov. 25,1851, c/o Jerusha
RUSSELL, Infant Son, d.Aug. 25, 1855, c/o Jerusha
RUSSELL, Isaac, b.Dec. 30, 1813, d.Sept,. 27, 1890
SCHNEIDER, Dorothy, d.Sept. 16, 1926
SCHOBERT, William K., d.1917
SCHULTZE, Eliza, d.Nov. 8, 1923
SCHULTZE, William, d.May, 25, 1919, 54y
SCOBERT, Hall, d.1912 Young boy. By Ruth S.Walsh, relocated in Cherokee cemetery in 1951 to be next ot sister, Ruth S. Walsh of Lodi, Calif.
SCOTT, Catherine E., d.Oct. 18, 1871, 44y 8m 16d, w/o N.C., native of NY
SCOTT, Mary, d.Apr. 4, 1863, 9y 5m 19d, d/o M.C. & Catherine Eliza
SEAT, Frances M., d.Nov. 19, 1862, 38y 4m 15d
SEVONS, Matilda, d.June 5, 1895
SHINN, John, b.Dec 02, 1860, d.Jan. 06, 1866, 5y 1m 4d, s/o Joel & Louisa F.
SLATER, B.F., d.Sept. 3, 1877
SLATER, Benjamin J. F., d.. Dec. 28, 1878, 63y 11m 18d, Dentist, born in NY, h/o Emily M.
SLATER, Emily M., d.Sept. 3, 1877, 58y, w/o Benjamin F. the Dentist in Liberty, born in NY
SLAVEN, Ann B., b.Aug 06, 1844, d.Jan. 27, 1871, born Bath Co., Virginia
SMITH, Albert P., d.Jan. 29, 1858, 1y 29d
SMITH, Catherine, d.Oct. 21, 1885, 68y 3m 17d, w/o Caleb, native of NY
SMITH, Elmira A., d.Oct. 21, 1864, 4y 6m 18d, child of J.H. & Emily E.
SMITH, Emily E., d.Jan. 30, 1885, 54y 28d
SMITH, Emily E., d.Nov. 9, 1881, 54y 8m 14d, w/o J.H.
SMITH, Harvey C., d.Feb. 26, 1875, 22y 9d
SMITH, Harvey, d.Dec. 6, 1873, s/o J.H. & Emily E.
SMITH, Lafayette O., d.Feb. 14, 1882, 17y 2m 7d, s/o J.H. & Emily E.
SMITH, Mrs. William, d.Oct. 3, 1901
SMITH, Ormund, d.Jan. 16, 1858, 3y 1m 16d
SMITH, Oscar M., d.Oct. 6, 1864, s/w Elmira, 5y 9m 18d, child of J.H. & Emily E.
SMITH, William J., d.Jan. 30, 1885, 23y 28d, s/o J.H. & Emily E, born in Boon County NY
SMITHSON, Eveline, d.Aug. 14, 1868, 48y, /o Feorge
SMITHSON, Lucy Lee., b.1873, d.1895, d/o Wm. D. & Mary Ann (Fugua)
SMITHSON, Lydia Josephine (Hunting) b.Oct. 31, 1877, d.Jan. 1, 1939, w/o Nathan Hayden
SMITHSON, Mary A., d.April 25,1920
SMITHSON, Nathan H., d.Nov 03, 1925, 6y
SMITHSON, Nathan Hayden, b.Nov. 13, 1864, d.Nov. 3, 1925, s/o William D. & Mary Ann (Fuqua)
SMITHSON, William A., d.Nov 14, 1864, 15y 1d
SMITHSON, William Alfred, d.Nov. 17, 1863, 10m 9d, s/o W.D.& M.A.
SMITHSON, William Dabney, b.Sept. 10, 1832, d.Nov. 3, 1897, h/o Mary Ann (Fuqua), f/o Nathan Hayden, Clara Alice, Minnie Jane, Lucy Lee, John Clay, Melvin B. and one deceased 10 mos. Old infant.
SNYDER, Conrad, d.July 12, 1874, 26y
SNYDER, Sally, d.Nov. 14, 1864, 68y, w/o Peter
SNYDER, Sally, d.Oct. 1, 1874, 67 yrs, 3 days, Widow of Peter Snyder.
SOMMERVILLE, Mary, b.1843, d.1868
STACKS, Mary J., b.1861, d.1944
STACKS, Thomas J., b.1848, d.1915, 67y, h/o Mary
STACKS, Uretta A., d.1887, 1m 6d
STEELE, Elizabeth Betsy, d.Mar. 26, 1917
STEELE, Harriet, d.Dec. 6, 1876, 68y 5m 28d, native of Shropshire, England , m/o Betsy Hughes
STEELE, Marrilla, d.May 27, 1868, 17y 7m 19d, b.Illinois, w/o Thomas of Thropshire, England, nee Woodruff
STEVENS, Matilda, d.June 5, 1895, 28y, w/o D.J.
STEVENS, Miles, d.July, 14, 1925, 68y
STILL, Susan, d.Jan. 16, 1868, 27y
STRONG, Preston Albert, d.Mar. 23, 1927, 84y
SUMMERVILLE, Mary, d.1868
SUTHERLAND, John H., b.1835, d.1893
SUTHERLAND, Sarah E., b.1832, d.1912
SWAIN, William J., d.Feb. 10,1931
SWAIN,Emma A., d.1934
TANNER, Edwin C., b.1871, d.1940
TONS, Lola (Bell), d.Feb. 20, 1916, 32y 9m 1d, native of Galt CA, d/o George Bell
TRACY, Nancy E., d.Nov. 21, 1868, 19y 11m 15d, w/o Theo.
TROY, Lucenda, d.Nov. 18,1862, 25y, w/o Frank
TUTTLE, (Smithson) Eunice Terrie, b.April 4, 1869, d.April 4, 1956,d/o Nathan Hayden Smithson and Sarah Jane Jones Sands, w/o Levi Joseph Tuttle. Stone listed as "Aunt Eunice."
TUTTLE, Allen, d.No date
TUTTLE, Guy, d.No date
TUTTLE, Jessie Dale, Nee Baby, No date
TUTTLE, Kitty Allen, nee Tuttle, No date
TUTTLE, Levi Joseph., b.May 11, 1855, d.Oct. 18,1928, h/o of Eunice ( Smithson ) Tuttle. Eunice is also buried here in a unmarked grave Stating "Aunt Eunice."
TUTTLE, Nancy, d.No date
TUTTLE, Schuyler, d.No date
TUTTLE, Solomon, d.No date
VAN VALKENBURGH, Chas. M., d.Feb. 13, 1879, 6 years. 19 mos. 15 days., Son of John & Mary Elizabeth (Land) Van Valkenburgh. Died of Diptheria during a epidemic.
VAN VALKENBURGH, Frank, June 23, 1868, 4m 12d, s/o John & Mary Elizabeth (Lane), died of Diptheria
VAN VALKENBURGH, John, b.Feb. 1, 1849, d.Dec. 26, 1891, 64y 10m 26d born in NY, h/o Mary Van (Lane) Van Valkenburgh, f/o Asa Lambert, Loyal Henry, Lizzie Vietta, Frank, Charles Milton and William Tillness.
VAN VALKENBURGH, Mary Elizabeth, b.Sept 15, 1835, d.Apr. 17,1885, w/o John, native of Ohio, m/o Asa L., Loyal H., Lizzie, Frank, Charles And William.
VAN VALKENBURGH, Mary, b.Jan. 10, 1835, d.Feb. 16, 1885, Dau. of John and Mary
WAITE, Joseph, b.Jan. 6, 1824, d.Oct, 21, 1889
WAMSLEY, Jno. M., b.June 28, 1829, d.Sept. 3, 1874, born in Virginia
WAMSLEY, Micha E., d.Nov. 9,1883, 47y 7m 19d, w/o J.M., native of Ohio
WEBB, Virnetta, d.Nov.9,1859, w/o W.C.H.
WEBB, W.C.H., d.Mar.6,1860, 30y 4m, h/o Virnetta, f/o 3 babies, from Little Rock, Ark
WEST, Charles E., d.Nov. 17, 1877, 6y 9m 19d, s/o C.M. & America (Baker) West.
WEST, Corydon Martin, b.Jan. 31, 1831, d.Nov. 3, 1898, h/o America (Baker), born in KY, f/o charles E and Mary E Baker, both deceased
WEST, Martha Adelea, d.July 8, 1899
WEST, Mary E., d.June 25, 1874, 1y 8m,Dau. Of C.M. & America (Baker) West.
WHITE, Henry E., d.May 20, 1865, 18y 8m 1d, s/o Charles
WILLIAMS, John H., d.Apr. 20, 1882, 52y 3m 20d, native of Scott Co, Ky
WILSON, Aldrich, d.May 6, 1867, 51y
WILSON, C.M., d.Sept. 19, 1902, 62y
WILSON, Charles M., b.1844, d.1907
WILSON, Emily M., b.1862, d.1939
WILSON, Geo. W., d.No dates, US Soldier
WILSON, George, d.No dates, U.S. Soldier
WILSON, John, b.May 11, 1885, d.May 25, 1885, Baby, s/o John T.
WILSON, Martha, d.Between 1890/95
WILSON, Zerilda Ellen., b.1840, d.1890, mother
WOODRUFF, Delila, b.Dec 20, 1819, d.Feb. 17, 1885
WOODRUFF, Freeman, d.Apr. 19, 1869, 22y 3m 25d, s/o Jackson & Delila
WOODSON, Benjamin, b.Dec. 9, 1824, d.1893, 1824, born in Pittsylvania Co., Va, Husband of Mary Ann (Bounds) Woodson, Father of John Canyon, James Gordon, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Martha Jane and Cordelia Frances.
WOODSON, Burquist A., d.1963
WOODSON, Claude B., d.1942
WOODSON, Cordelia., b.Mar 10, 1867, d.May 12, 1867, 2m 2d, d/o Benjamin Allen & Mary Ann (Bounds) Woodson
WOODSON, George Washington, b.1862, d.1935, s/w Katherine, s/o Benjamin A & Mary Ann (Bounds)
WOODSON, Jeffrey A., d.1989
WOODSON, Kathrine G., b.1873, d. May 10,1932, s/w George W.
WOODSON, Marin O., d.1962
WOODSON, Mary Ann, b.1826, d.1913, w/o Benjamin Allen, History has her name as Mary Ann Bounds, Mother of John C., James G., Benfj F., George W., Martha J. and Cordelia F.
WOODSON, Orlin, d.1977
WOODSON, Velma J., b.1896, d.1918
WOODSON, Velma J.J., d.1911
WRISTEN, Dillard R., b.Mar 30, 1872, d.Dec. 10, 1882, s/o M.W. & Jane
WRISTEN, George W., b.Mar 19, 1860, d.Dec. 9, 1882, s/o M.W. & Jane
WRISTEN, William B., d. Sept. 7, 1856, 24y 2m 15d
WRISTON, Carrie F., d. Dec. 24, 1880
WRISTON, Samuel C., b. Sept 03, 1877, d.Feb. 17, 1878, s/o Samuel E. & Jennie V. (Ferguson) Wriston
YOUNG, Ann Eliza, d. June, 28, 1881, 56y 3m 2d, w/o Thomas, native of Franklin, Howard Co, Missouri.
YOUNG, Ann Elizabeth, d. Jan. 4, 1881
YOUNG, Ann Elizabeth, d. Jan. 4, 1884, 56y, born in Missouri
YOUNG, California Amador, b. Jan. 01, 1855, d. Nov. 10,1855, s/w Daniel, c/o Wm H. & Elisabeth (Zumwalt)
YOUNG, Charles, d. May, 20, ?
YOUNG, Christopher, b. Jan 25, 1850, d.1866
YOUNG, Daniel B., b. Sept 9, 1856, d. May 11, 1858, s/w California, c/o Wm H. & Elisabeth (Zumwalt)
YOUNG, Eddie, d. May 19, 1876, 11m 10d, s/o Leander John. & Fanny (Fuqua) Young
YOUNG, Elizabeth, d. May 5, 1895
YOUNG, Elizabeth, d. May 5, 1895, 76y 1m 26d, w/o Wm H., m/o Leander John.
YOUNG, Fannie, d. Apr. 22, 1878, 25y 11m 18d, w/o Leander John., m/o Ella F., Eva R., Frank Resert and William H. who died as a infant.
YOUNG, Francis, M., b. May 02, 1852, d. Oct. 22, 1865, s/o W.H. & E.
YOUNG, Frankie Reset, d. Dec. 12, 1877, 2m 3d, s/o Leander John. & Fanny (Fuqua) Young
YOUNG, Lafayette, b.1856, d. Sept. 18,1870
YOUNG, Mary, d. May 30, 1881, 32y, native of Franklin, Howard Co., Missouri
YOUNG, Ruth, d. Feb. 22, 1863, 1y 7m 24d, d/o Thomas & Ann Eliza (Waseman)
YOUNG, Thomas, b. Mar 1818, d. Jan. 16, 1885, h/o Ann Eliza (Waseman)
YOUNG, W., d. Oct. 22, 1865
YOUNG, Wm. H., d. Feb. 18, 1883, 63y 11m 8d, h/o Elizabeth (Zumwalt), f/o Leander John. Hall Scobert was moved to Cherokee Cemetery in 1951 to be buried by his sister in 1951.
Email to w6rec@sbcglobal.net to add info or make corrections.
Historic Harvey Park
Harvey Park was once a part of the vast land holdings of over 33,000 acres which belonged to Dr. Obed Harvey. Dr. Harvey was a pioneer doctor who saw the value of land in the Sacramento Valley and purchased the entire tract known as the Chabolla Grant in 1861. In 1868, when the town of Galt was laid out by the Western Pacific Railroad Company, he found his property in town to be of great value.
As a pioneer doctor, Dr. Harvey gained state-wide recognition when he was chosen as the first delegate to the A.M.A. convention in Washington, D.C. In Galt, Dr. Obed Harvey became one of its leaders, and he and his family played a strong role in its growth.
As time passed, Dr. Harvey's land holdings were sold off, until only the few acres which surrounded his home and office remained. His home was located just west of Harvey Park surrounded by a rose garden and tall trees. It was the home of his daughter, Genevieve, until her death.
Dr. Harvey's office still stands, and it can be seen on 2nd St., west of the Park, across the street from the picnic tables. The land for Harvey Park was donated to the City of Galt by Genevieve Harvey, in memory of her father, for all future Galt citizens to enjoy.
The Sego Milk Plant of Galt, California

In 1917, Galt was the center of a large agricultural area dotted by many dairy farms with milk to be shipped to market. Fred Harvey, son of Obed Harvey who founded Galt, was a dairyman and saw the need for a closer market. He was responsible for interesting the Utah Condensed Milk Company in establishing a plant in Galt. He and some dairymen and businessmen of the community worked to obtain the property near the railroad tracks on which the Sego Plant could build. The acquisition of the property was enough to convince the Utah Condensed Milk Company that Galt really wanted them.
On Jan. 5, 1917, The Galt Herald reported, "The superintendent, bookkeeper, and manager will come from the Utah Plant, while the rest of the employees, totaling forty, will be selected locally. One girl will be necessary in the office; one in the laboratory, and four in the factory." The rest of the employees were men employed to work in and about the plant receiving the milk from the dairies and shipping the finished product, evaporated milk known as "Pet Milk." The salaries ranged from $2 a day to $125 a month.
On Feb. 7, 1917, the Sacramento Union ran the headline, "Big $200,000 Condensed To Be Formally Thrown Open at Galt on February 7th." Although the milk condenser had been in operation since the previous May, it was not formally opened until then. The article that followed outlined the celebration that was planned. A delegation from Sacramento, which included representatives of the Consolidated Chamber of Commerce and the Retail Merchants Association, the Sacramento Boys Band, and the Chamber of Commerce Quartette, would join the citizens of Galt and the officials of the Utah Condensed Milk Company for a gala luncheon and music, followed by a tour of the plant. On that day, the schools were closed, and the children and adults who toured the plant received a sample can of the new product, "Sego Milk".
Milk began coming in from the dairies around Galt on September 19,1917. Mr. G. Barsetti was the first in the area to bring in a load of cans laden with milk. Lafe Ward was second; Tully Kreeger came third. Gus Gerling, The Aitnow family, Ben Stevens, Lloyd and Clarence Hauschildt, Carl and Freddie Johnson, Harry Meirs, Ben Menicucci, Mrs. Louisa Krull and son Robert, Ernest Gudel, James Lavagnino, Pete Masdonati, John Fry, Hans Madsen and Fred Harvey were all local dairymen who shipped their milk to the local plant.
To get the milk to the plant required hauling it twice daily. The first milk was hauled in Autocar trucks. By October 1917 the second of these trucks was purchased. The first milk hauler was Harry Ambrose. Other early haulers were Frank Carpenter, Ben Beossow and Louis Patterson. The first field man for the Sego Milk Plant was George Smith.
Driving truckloads of milk to the plant once in the morning and once in the evening were Gus Gerling and Vic Johnson. By 1957 the milk haulers were self-employed men whose job it was to haul the milk to the Sego Milk Plant twice daily. Each morning they would go to the dairies, load the milk cans on their trucks, haul them to the Plant, unload them and, by the time they were through unloading, drive to the bottom of the ramp and load the clean, empty milk cans on their trucks. These were hauled back to the ranches when they made their second trip. In the evening they would repeat their route of the morning, taking the empty cans home to deliver when they hauled the morning milk.
The arduous task of lifting milk-filled cans into the plant and into trucks twice daily was accomplished by such men as John Melhaff, Irving Melhaff, Gus Melhaff; John F. Melhaff, Adolph Melhaff, Jack Weber, Chester Caldwell, Joseph Klaner, Don Uhrich, Rasmus Rasmussen, Melvin Welkler and Jeff Brown.
Sego Milk Plant grew and added a powdered milk plant and more warehouse space. They made both powdered milk and ice-cream powder which were especially important during the war years when shipping a perishable like milk to the Armed Services was impossible to do.
No history of the Sego Milk Plant could be complete without a mention of Robert Carpenter, the only man who worked at the Sego Milk Plant longer than the plant existed. Bob Carpenter began work two days before the first delivery of milk to be processed. It was he who fired up the boiler that brought about the power and heat to process the first Sego Evaporated Milk in Galt. It was also Bob Carpenter who planted the trees and roses and other lovely flowers which made the plant seem park-like, adding an attractive area to Galt.
Sego Milk Company grew, and it eventually outgrew the Galt plant. With no further expansion possible for the Galt plant, Sego closed the plant and sold the building to private ownership. Over a period of years, the old building had a number of owners. Each took away or sold some portion of the inside equipment, until there was only a shell of a building owned by someone outside the Galt area. The building fell into neglect. The grounds, once beautifully manicured, became dry and weed-ridden. Vagrants found it to be the ideal haven to spend the night when the weather was inclement. The victim of neglect, the old milk plant became an eyesore.
On the afternoon of November 24, 1992, as the rain began falling the old Sego building was destroyed by fire. Those who remembered its "glory days" stood by in sorrow as the major portion of the Sego Milk Plant was consumed. The next day, Thanksgiving Day, the remaining standing walls crumbled under the attack of a wrecker's crane. Folks from around the area came and stood in silence, some shaking their heads as if to say, "We've lost a friend."

The Fire
Sego Milk had brought industry to the quiet town of Galt. It had brought employment not only for adults, but during the summer, it helped young people who needed to raise money for their college education. Its whistle, which could be heard throughout the area, started each work day, called time out for lunch, and closed each day at 5 p.m. The Sego Milk Plant was the heart of the community, the whistle was its heartbeat, and its connection to the dairies in the areas surrounding it. Looking at the ruins on the site today, we can only hope that someday soon the old Sego Milk Plant property will see gentler handling and care.

On the southeast corner of F and Third streets the old water tower is all that stands in 2004. This water tower and Galt's historic water tower are all that remain of the old water towers. All of the rubble at the Sego plant property has been cleaned out.
To read more about the history of the Pet Evaporated Milk Company click here.